Bright Data

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You can now automatically collect LinkedIn data including company/employee profiles, and job-related data, delivered directly to your inb...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Bright Data’s retail data collector is enabling you to collect crucial data points for your business plan and strategy. These data sets i...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Bright Data’s eCommerce data collector is designed to help your business drive sales and gain advantages. This tool enables you to crawl ...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Bright Data’s business data collector is an easier and more cost effective way for you to collect company, employee profiles, and job-rel...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Bright Data’s travel data collector is an easier and more cost-effective way to get dynamic competitive pricing, and forecasting consumer...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Our Amazon best seller products dataset to identify top-selling products and sellers, and track them across various categories and subcat...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Use our Crunchbase dataset to map your ecosystem for strategic business decision-making and competitive analysis and to collect business ...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Use our Glassdoor dataset to find market trends, HR trends and business information on companies and how current and past employees perce...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Use our Xing social network dataset, a career-oriented social networking site similar to LinkedIn but focused on the European Union. Iden...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Use our Indeed job listings dataset, an employment website for job listings, to find and extract job market trends, insights, and informa...
97% Success rate in real-time
2 countries covered
Use our TikTok profiles dataset to extract business and non-business information from complete public profiles and filter by account name...
514M records
249 countries covered
Use our Slintel dataset, an industry technology directory, to find market trends, identify investment opportunities, and make strategic b...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Use our VentureRadar company dataset, a company discovery and ranking service, to gain in-depth information on companies of all sizes You...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Use our Manta dataset, a US business directory, to find businesses in the US by location, business type, and other parameters and collect...
97% Success rate in real-time
USA covered
Use our Google Maps businesses dataset to locate any US business, find potential customers or competitors, or track real estate trends. D...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered