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World's Most Up-to-Date Company Dataset! We have 50+ unique firmographic datapoints for 40M company profiles, that are all refreshed mont...
40M Records
100% month-over-month coverage for employee headcount, up to 24 months in the past.
248 countries covered
48 months of historical data
World's best Professional Profiles Dataset!!! This is the largest and most up-to-date data feed in the industry today. Who this data is f...
750M Records
99.5% Match rate to all public records
248 countries covered
36 months of historical data
MixRank's Global Job Postings Data encompasses over 1 billion job postings, with 45M updates each month — the most frequent of any vendor!
1B Records
80% All posted jobs captured in <6 hours
248 countries covered
36 months of historical data
World's Best US Company Dataset! We cover 6M+ company records, and refresh all records at least once a month. The data is sourced fro...
6M Records
100% month-over-month coverage for employee headcount, up to 24 months in the past.
USA covered
36 months of historical data
World's best US Professionals Dataset!!! This is the largest and most up-to-date data feed in the industry today. Who this data is for — ...
160M Records
99.5% Match rate to all public records
USA covered
36 months of historical data
Hundreds of the top mobile technology and services vendors have used MixRank to grow sales, react to competitors, plan market strategies,...
18M Apps
240 countries covered
9 years of historical data