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10M SERPs Daily
100% up to date SERP Data
249 countries covered
Based on the desired keyword set, we can provide Search Engine results in any location e.g. country, state, city, postcode.
249 countries covered
The SERP API with advanced parsing to reliably capture all search results across all major search engines
511M websites
249 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Domain name data service by DNS details, scraped website content, outbound links, backlinks, and other hosting details for any domain.
1.5B rows
98% Accuracy
249 countries covered
We make the web your dataset and offer fully customizable data feeds at scale to meet your needs.
100M rows
100% match rate
249 countries covered
Get structured Data from websites by TagX. Use the potential of Public web data with our top-notch web scraping solutions. Our solution is powered by robust ...