Best Data for Purchase Intelligence

Find the best data sources for Purchase Intelligence. Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
14 years
USA covered
14 years of historical data
DecaData Online Purchase data provides a view in to the transaction velocity of online grocery delivery services like InstaCart, Shipt, DoorDash and UberEats...
138K panel size
95% panel stability
United Kingdom covered
Gener8's Retail Consumer Online Purchase Data is tickerised at the SKU-level with a stable 5-year history. The data is obtained with the panel's consent, usi...
138K panel size
95% panel stability
United Kingdom covered
This proprietary online purchase dataset covers 3 of the largest retailers in the world from users primarily in the UK, with a stable 5-year history. The dat...
15K individual items
135 countries covered
15 years of historical data
The Mintec database covers products across 18 different categories and all world regions. The food spectrum is fully covered along with areas such as packag...
1.5M records daily
90% match rate
2 countries covered
Datastream provides you a single data source that does the work of multiple datasets. (available in various stages)
100% match rate
USA covered
Access to a database of over 240 million USA Individual consumers with information about household property characteristics like Building Construction, Build... - ScaleCampaign profile banner
Based in USA
You may believe custom software for your enterprise will be too complex and require resources you just can’t afford. Or, can you afford NOT to with our pe...
240M - Mintec Global profile banner
Mintec Global
Based in United Kingdom
Mintec Global
For over 30 years Mintec has been the leading provider of raw material market prices and analysis covering more than 14,000 food ingredients and non-food raw...
Lower Cost
Reduce spend by 3%
Reduce time preparing
Lower Risk
Mitigate Competitive Risk - DecaData profile banner
Based in USA
DecaData is uniquely positioned to provide a granular view into key changes in consumer behavior across an expanding universe of sectors. We currently have a... - Datastream Group profile banner
Datastream Group
Based in USA
Datastream Group
Our Dedicated team is ready to create an innovative data solution that is tuned to your business needs.
large quantities
constantly updated & verified
250M +
Full consumer profiles - Gener8 Labs profile banner
Gener8 Labs
Based in United Kingdom
Gener8 Labs
Gener8 Labs provides multiple datasets captured from a single, consented panel through our suite of B2C products. Our USP is that our datasets can be combine...
Datapoints P/M