Best Data for Risk Analysis

Risk analysis refers to the process of identifying and examining potential threats to a company's main objectives. Businesses and investors use often data-driven approaches consisting of market, competitor, and supply chain insights to avoid or mitigate risks.
Our Data Partners
2 countries covered
20 years of historical data
Unique compilation of the risk factors reported by publicly listed companies along with smart NLP-driven indicators designed to enrich risk management analyses.
2.1B records
100% Legal Customs Data
18 countries covered
ImportGenius provides risk profiling and evaluation through import and export records that pass through every port in the U.S., Russia, India, and 15 other c...
248 countries covered
45 years of historical data
Get localized climatic variables and risks for multiple applications anywhere on the planet Scaling risk assessment across multiple applications With more t...
249 countries covered
11 years of historical data
ESG ratings based on data from several 3rd party providers to with the aim of building more objective ratings and increasing coverage.
USA covered
10 years of historical data
A geographically detailed crime assessment database. Using advanced statistical methodologies and a rolling seven-year database of FBI and local agency stat...
240 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Accurately detect proxies, VPNs, TOR, botnets, and high risk connections. Worldwide coverage can identify bad actors in any region simply by their IP address... - SafeGraph profile banner
Based in USA
SafeGraph is a data company that builds datasets on the physical world for teams at ESRI, Microsoft, Verizon, and Mapbox. Our high-precision Places dataset c...
POI Globally
Brands Globally
Fill Rates - Global Database profile banner
Global Database
Based in United Kingdom
Global Database
Since 2015, we at Global Database help businesses drive growth and minimise risks by offering our data and technology. With the solutions we provide, our cus...
450 Mil
Direct Contacts
400 Mil
Company Profiles
Countries Covered - Brain Company profile banner
Brain Company
Based in Italy
Brain Company
BRAIN is a Research Company that creates proprietary datasets and algorithms for investment strategies, combining experience on financial markets with strong...
NLP Platform - ACLED Data profile banner
Based in USA
The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is the highest quality and most widely used real-time data and analysis source on political violence...
Owl Analytics
Based in USA
Owl Analytics
Offering consensus ratings on over 25k companies globally. We rate each company across a range of ESG-themed categories along with relative peer group analy... - IPinfo profile banner
Based in USA
IPinfo is an IP data provider specializing in IP geolocation, ASN, IP to company, IP to carrier, IP ranges, hosted domains, and other data types. IPinfo A...
46 billion
API requests per month
Great team
doing big things.
businesses use IPinfo services