Best Data for Transaction Data Enrichment

Find the best data sources for Transaction Data Enrichment. Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
3M rows daily
USA covered
14 years of historical data
Odyssey POS data provides a granular view into the CPG sales from our partner stores across 15 states in the US. We provide individual transaction data, incl...
200M records
99% match rate
USA covered
Unique US gift card data. Hundreds of millions of annual transactions total billions of dollar in annual transactions. Granular to location level.
3M rows daily
100% match rate
USA covered
Odyssey POS data provides a granular view into the CPG sales from our partner stores across 15 states in the US. We provide individual transaction data, incl...
2.37M KM, India Road Network
95% match rate
India covered
To stay on top of current routing systems, transportation and delivery relied on services that make use of geospatial data to determine the most efficient ro...
50 data points
95% accuracy
217 countries covered
Soleadify validates the presence of SMBs. We link business names to their legal entity names, and add insights such as industry/product/technology + ESG pro...
45M ISINs66
240 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Our webportal offers direct access to ISIN and LEI data. We offer a free demo account and extra functionalities if you subscribe for a Basic or Pro account. - Lepton Software profile banner
Lepton Software
Based in India
Lepton Software
Access industry-specific community indicators, demographic, administrative, socio-economic, mobility, and affluence data to power your analytics
Countries (Data creation)
35M Sq Km
Satellite Images processed
POI Locations - 90 West Data profile banner
90 West Data
Based in USA
90 West Data
Unique US consumer transaction data. Insights from millions of daily transactions.
Client focused
Clean, Complete, Transparent
Research Ready - Soleadify profile banner
Based in Romania
Soleadify is a modern data technology company. Every week, we use AI and NLP to capture and refresh web and social media content on over 70 million active S...
Company Profiles
Data Attributes - DecaData profile banner
Based in USA
DecaData is uniquely positioned to provide a granular view into key changes in consumer behavior across an expanding universe of sectors. We currently have a... - ISIN2LEI profile banner
Based in Netherlands
ISIN2LEI is a RegTech start-up founded in 2018 by Johan Hol. We went officially live on September 1st, 2018 and provide linked open data on Legal Entity ...