Best Data for Competitive Intelligence

Find the best data sources for Competitive Intelligence. Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
5M records
95% accuracy
240 countries covered
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your product assortment and plug the gaps in your product portfolio with the latest trending products.
3 countries covered
Grips’ Competitive Intelligence accelerates the growth of ecommerce businesses by providing market insights that impact the bottom and top line - sales and r...
7 countries covered
3 years of historical data
With a unique Big Data approach, we develop Competitive Monitoring datasets that offer a deep understanding of competitors, suppliers, and customers.
1M records
95% Data accuracy
249 countries covered
Competitive pricing is the most important factor in buying decision of a customer. Dataweave's SaaS platform provides indepth analysis of competitor price an...
2 countries covered
With a unique and novel approach that combines geolocation methodologies and alternative data, we have developed a Data Solution that helps companies underst...
99% Extraction Accuracy
249 countries covered
Navigate the dynamic fashion industry with our targeted market insights. Stay updated with the latest trends, pricing strategies, and consumer preferences. O... - Collective Data Solutions profile banner
Collective Data Solutions
Based in USA
Collective Data Solutions
The Collective is an independent mobile data marketplace. Our privacy-first data is anonymized and aggregated to activate and expand collaborative audience d...
10 Billion
Global Devices
3 Billion
Monthly Active Users
Global Footprint - InfoTrie profile banner
Based in Singapore
InfoTrie: Global Data Intelligence Leader since 2012. Unleash insights from unstructured data. Alternative datasets on E-commerce, SEC Filings, B2B Data, Se...
Asset Classes
Active Users - IPqwery profile banner
Based in Canada
Corporate profile summaries of all intellectual property holdings by each owner/entity, including patents and trademarks aggregated across several national I... - Edison Trends profile banner
Edison Trends
Based in USA
Edison Trends
Edison Trends data is owned directly by Edison. The data source are Edison’s consumer apps, Edison Mail and Edison Assistant. With users consent our apps acc... - Predik Data-driven profile banner
Predik Data-driven
Based in USA
Predik Data-driven
We are experts in the collection, extraction, management and analysis of large volumes of all types of data, from alternative and complex sources to traditio...
Updated & consistent
Latam, US, Asia Markets
Strict & precise controls
Prosper Insights & Analytics
Based in USA
Prosper Insights & Analytics
Prosper Insights & Analytics is a global leader in “consumer intent” data serving the financial services, marketing technology, and retail industries. We pro...