Best Data for Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing in a B2B context is when you deliver consistent messages and offers to leads in your sales pipeline to retain a warm relationship with them and eventually convert them.
Our Data Partners
1K contacts onwards (increments of 1,000 contacts)
97% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase. No Spam traps
249 countries covered
A single platform to cover everything at top of funnel. Find and reach prospects with a verified global contact database, marketing automation, and an email ...
100% have downloaded your content and interacted with your brand
247 countries covered
Fully customizable lead generation programs from our Global, 40M member opt-in audience.
100% have downloaded your content and interacted with your brand
247 countries covered
Fully customizable lead generation programs for ABM from our Global, 40M member opt-in audience.
100% have downloaded your content and interacted with your brand
247 countries covered
Fully customizable list-building and lead generation programs from our Global, 40M member opt-in audience.
40% website visitor identity resolution rate
USA covered
30 years of historical data
ResolveID is a proprietary audience creation technology product to identify consumers who visit a website. Market to consumers who are In-Market for your pr... - Leadbook profile banner
Based in Singapore
Leadbook is a database and data service provider backed by proprietary A.I. powered data technology and a global database of 200 million verified business co...
verified contacts
verified organisations
countries - Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC) profile banner
Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)
Based in Canada
Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)
A top software research and evaluation firm, TEC leverages a trusted relationship with its massive global audience of IT and business professionals to provid... - DrivenIQ profile banner
Based in USA
DrivenIQ specializes in custom micro-audience data. We find your ideal customers, wherever they are and whatever they’re doing, so you can deliver messaging ...
Customer records
U.S. Households
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