Salutary Data

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Contact Provider

Optimized for quick response

Unlock AI & ML Insights, global data coverage, and high-Quality B2B Data. In today's data-centric landscape, businesses need a Data Lake...
75M records
99% verified
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 80M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
80M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 72M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
72M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 62M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
72M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 72M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
72M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 72M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
72M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in over 18.5M Small Business contacts and related com...
62M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 62M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
62M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 62M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
62M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 62M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
62M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 62M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
62M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
We currently have 2.7M+ US Healthcare Contact Records, including registered healthcare workers and other healthcare industry professionals.
62M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Within our US contact / people database we have over 1.6M HR business professional records. These records / profiles include validated co...
62M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 72M+ U.S. B2B Contac...
72M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 72M+ U.S. business p...
62M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered