B2B Contact Database of Decision Makers based on Regional Selection for Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Address-Base product image in hero

B2B Contact Database of Decision Makers based on Regional Selection for Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Address-Base

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We have set ourselves the goal of providing our customers with inexpensive, high-quality company addresses in the B2B area ON DEMAND - in our address shop and via the individual address selection.
Select your preferred region in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. In addition to our general industry packages in the shop, you can filter regional addresses in our individual address selection via city search or via the postcode with area search. If you wish, you can select a variety of other information as a mandatory criterion in addition to the company addresses, including, for example, contact details in the form of email addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers or websites.


Europe (3)


Address-Base has not published pricing information for this product yet. You can request detailed pricing information below.


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Frequently asked questions

What is B2B Contact Database of Decision Makers based on Regional Selection for Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Address-Base?

We have set ourselves the goal of providing our customers with inexpensive, high-quality company addresses in the B2B area ON DEMAND - in our address shop and via the individual address selection.

Who can use B2B Contact Database of Decision Makers based on Regional Selection for Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Address-Base?

This product is best suited if you’re a business looking for B2B Contact Data. Get in touch with Address-Base to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

Which countries does B2B Contact Database of Decision Makers based on Regional Selection for Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Address-Base cover?

This product includes data covering 3 countries like Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Address-Base is headquartered in Germany.

How much does B2B Contact Database of Decision Makers based on Regional Selection for Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Address-Base cost?

Pricing information for B2B Contact Database of Decision Makers based on Regional Selection for Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Address-Base is available by getting in contact with Address-Base. Connect with Address-Base to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

What is the data quality of B2B Contact Database of Decision Makers based on Regional Selection for Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Address-Base?

You can compare and assess the data quality of Address-Base using Datarade’s data marketplace. Address-Base appears on selected Datarade top lists ranking the best data providers, including The Top 10 Data Providers for Business Leads.

What are similar products to B2B Contact Database of Decision Makers based on Regional Selection for Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Address-Base?

This Tabular Data has 3 related products. These alternatives include Alesco C-Level B2B Database - 825K+ C-level contact data - US based companies, available for licensing!, Global B2B Contact Data B2B Database Decision Makers 600M+ Contacts (Verified E-mail, Direct Dails) 100% Accurate Data 16+ Attributes , and Factori B2B Company Enrich API:Company Identification Company Id,LinkedIn URL,Address,Status and Contact Enrichment. You can compare the best B2B Contact Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Pricing available upon request


Quality data from Germany

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