Precipitation Data: Best Precipitation Datasets & Databases
What is Precipitation Data?
Precipitation data refers to information about the amount and type of precipitation that occurs in a specific location over a particular period. It can be collected through various means, including weather stations, radar systems, and satellites, and is used for a wide range of purposes.
Examples of Precipitation Data include rainfall, snowfall, and hail measurements. Precipitation Data is used for various purposes such as weather forecasting, climate studies, hydrological modeling, and agricultural planning. In this page, you’ll find the best data sources for Precipitation Data.
Best Precipitation Databases & Datasets
Here is our curated selection of top Precipitation Data sources. We focus on key factors such as data reliability, accuracy, and flexibility to meet diverse use-case requirements. These datasets are provided by trusted providers known for delivering high-quality, up-to-date information.
CustomWeather | 6-Month Agricultural Data Outlooks | Temperature Data | Rainfall Data|Precipitation Data | Global Weather Data | Weather Forecast Data
Historical Weather Data for Major European Cities | 20 Years History in Hourly Deliveries | Climate Data | Precipitation Data | Wind Data
CustomWeather API | Real-Time Weather Data | Current Conditions For 12,500 Global Weather Stations | Temperature Data I Rainfall Data I Wind Data I
5 Years Historical Weather Data for Europe Per Zip Code | Temperature Data | Rainfall Data | Climate Data | Wind Data
CustomWeather API | Historical Weather Data | Climate Data | Hourly And Daily | 8,500 Global Weather Stations | Archived Back To The 1940s
FarmersEdge | Real-Time Weather Data | Station data for 1,000 locations in North America | Risk Management
24/7 Real-Time European Weather Data | Storm Warning Data | Severe Weather Warning data | Custom Weather Forecast Data |
Rainfall Data | LIVE Daily Weather Feed and/or Historical Weather Data | Worldwide Coverage, Updated daily Feed
Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API
Accurate Weather Forecast API - Meteosource
Monetize data on Datarade Marketplace
Popular Use Cases for Precipitation Data
Precipitation Data is essential for a wide range of business applications, offering valuable insights and driving opportunities across industries. Below, we have highlighted the most significant use cases for Precipitation Data.
Main Attributes of Precipitation Data
Below, we outline the most popular attributes associated with this type of data—features that data buyers are actively seeking to meet their needs.
Attribute | Type | Description | Action |
Float | Wind speed in km/h, mph or m/s | View 11 datasets | |
Float | The latitude of a point on earth's surface. Commonly abbreviated as "lat". | View 8 datasets | |
Float | The longitude of a point on earth's surface. Commonly abbreviated as "long". | View 8 datasets | |
String | The latitude and longitude of a position. | View 4 datasets | |
String | The country code in Alpha-2 format (ISO 3166) | View 2 datasets | |
String | The Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code of an address. | View 2 datasets |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Precipitation Data?
Precipitation data refers to information about the amount and type of precipitation that occurs in a specific location over a particular period. It can be collected through various means, including weather stations, radar systems, and satellites, and is used for a wide range of purposes.
How is Precipitation Data collected?
Precipitation data can be collected through different methods, including rain gauges, radar systems, satellites, and weather stations. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of the method depends on the required accuracy and resolution.
What is Precipitation Data used for?
Precipitation data is used for various purposes, including agriculture, water resource management, transportation, insurance, research, energy, and outdoor recreation. It helps individuals and organizations make informed decisions and plan for adverse weather conditions.
What’s a quality checklist for Precipitation Data?
A quality checklist for precipitation data should include factors such as accuracy, resolution, timeliness, completeness, and consistency. The data should be collected using standardized methods, and the collection process should be well documented to ensure reproducibility.
How is Precipitation Data priced?
The price of precipitation data varies depending on the source, accuracy, and resolution of the data. National weather services and open data sources typically offer free access to their data, while private weather companies charge a fee for their services. Weather API services offer pricing models based on the number of requests and the desired features.
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