Global Daily Precipitation Data: Best Datasets for Precipitation Research
Daily precipitation data refers to the measurement of the amount of precipitation, such as rainfall or snowfall, that occurs within a specific geographical area on a daily basis. It provides information about the quantity of moisture received over time and helps in understanding the weather patterns and climatic conditions of a region. Daily precipitation data is often collected by weather stations or satellite observations and is essential for various applications, including agriculture, hydrology, climate research, and water resource management.
Recommended Daily Precipitation Data
CustomWeather API | Historical Weather Data | Climate Data | Hourly And Daily | 8,500 Global Weather Stations | Archived Back To The 1940s
Worldwide Daily Weather Forecast Data | Location Specific Daily Forecast Values | By City, State, or Country
CustomWeather | Historical Weather Forecasts | Historical Weather Data | Forecasts Archived Back To 2012 | 85,000 Global Weather Data Locations
Worldwide Daily Historical Weather Data | Climate Data | Human Checked Weather Data starting in the mid 1900s
CustomWeather API | Maritime Data | 5-Day Marine Weather Forecasts | PDFs Or API | 10,000 Coastal Locations | Global Weather Data | Weather Forecasts
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Post your requestWhat is Daily Precipitation Data?
Daily precipitation data refers to records and measurements of rainfall, snowfall, and other forms of precipitation collected on a daily basis. These datasets provide vital information about weather patterns, precipitation levels, and climate conditions. By analyzing and leveraging daily precipitation data, individuals and organizations can gain valuable insights, make informed decisions, and identify trends and patterns.
Best Daily Precipitation Databases
The following section presents a detailed comparison of various weather datasets, each providing crucial precipitation data with unique temporal and geographical resolutions. These datasets, offered by Marcus Weather, AWIS Weather Services, and CustomWeather, provide invaluable insights into global weather patterns, making them crucial for a myriad of applications, from climate studies to predictive analytics in agriculture and beyond. Each entry in the table corresponds to a specific dataset, detailing its provider, title, temporal resolution, geographical resolution, measurement units used, and any other meteorological variables included. This comprehensive comparison will enable potential buyers to assess each dataset based on their specific needs, helping them make an informed decision.
Provider Name | Dataset Title | Temporal Resolution | Geographic Resolution | Measurement Units | Other Variables Included |
Marcus Weather | Global Daily Total Precipitation | Daily | Global | Millimeters or Inches | None |
Marcus Weather | Global 3 Day Total Precipitation | 3 Days | Global | Millimeters or Inches | None |
Marcus Weather | Global 30 Day Total Precipitation | 30 Days | Global | Millimeters or Inches | None |
Marcus Weather | Global 15 Day Total Precipitation | 15 Days | Global | Millimeters or Inches | None |
Marcus Weather | Global 7 Day Total Precipitation | 7 Days | Global | Millimeters or Inches | None |
AWIS Weather Services | Worldwide Daily Weather Forecast Data - Location Specific Daily Forecast Values - By City, State, or Country | Daily | City, State, Country | Not specified | Temperature, Cloud Cover, Soil Temperature, Solar Radiation, Wind Speeds, Wind Directions, Evapotranspiration, etc. |
AWIS Weather Services | LIVE Daily Weather Feed - Worldwide Human Checked REAL Weather Observations - File updated daily | Daily | Worldwide | Not specified | Not specified |
AWIS Weather Services | LIVE Daily Weather Feed - United States Weather Data - Delivered by Zip Code | Daily | US (Zip Code) | Not specified | Not specified |
CustomWeather | CustomWeather - Historical Hourly and Daily Weather Observations - 100 Years | Hourly and Daily | 8,400 global locations | Not specified | Not specified |
1. Marcus Weather - Global Daily Total Precipitation
This dataset delivers a daily record of precipitation amounts globally. The data, presented in either millimeters or inches, could be invaluable to those studying daily rainfall trends worldwide.
Pros | Cons |
High temporal resolution, capturing daily weather patterns. | Focuses solely on precipitation, excluding other weather parameters. |
Wide geographic scope caters to varied applications. |
2. Marcus Weather - Global 3 Day Total Precipitation
This dataset aggregates precipitation data every three days from around the world. The data, measured in either millimeters or inches, may be beneficial for users requiring less frequent, yet still regular updates on global precipitation.
Pros | Cons |
Lower temporal resolution could benefit users interested in broader weather trends. | Still only offers precipitation data, lacking additional meteorological variables. |
Maintains a wide geographic coverage. |
3. Marcus Weather - Global 30 Day Total Precipitation
Offering a monthly aggregation of precipitation data, this dataset provides a wider picture of rainfall trends worldwide. Precipitation amounts are recorded in either millimeters or inches.
Pros | Cons |
Captures longer-term precipitation patterns and trends. | Includes only precipitation data, without accompanying weather parameters. |
Comprehensive global coverage. |
4. Marcus Weather - Global 15 Day Total Precipitation
This dataset provides bi-monthly global precipitation data. Data, reported in millimeters or inches, is ideal for users looking for mid-term weather pattern analysis.
Pros | Cons |
Mid-term temporal resolution could be beneficial for specific analysis needs. | Dataset is limited to precipitation data only. |
Global coverage supports a wide range of applications. |
5. Marcus Weather - Global 7 Day Total Precipitation
This dataset aggregates weekly precipitation amounts globally, measured in either millimeters or inches. It could be advantageous for users interested in weekly rainfall trends.
Pros | Cons |
Weekly data could be beneficial for applications needing less frequent updates. | Still focuses solely on precipitation data, excluding other weather elements. |
Extensive geographic coverage. |
6. AWIS Weather Services - Worldwide Daily Weather Forecast Data
Providing daily forecast variables for specific locations (city, state, country), this dataset extends beyond precipitation, including temperature, cloud cover, solar radiation, and more.
Pros | Cons |
High temporal resolution allows for detailed weather forecasting. | Geographic resolution may be too granular for some applications. |
Includes a wide range of meteorological variables, offering comprehensive weather data. |
7. AWIS Weather Services - LIVE Daily Weather Feed - Worldwide
This LIVE weather feed offers a comprehensive range of climate and weather data, updated daily. It could serve various purposes, from research to real-time weather tracking.
Pros | Cons |
Daily updates and a range of weather data provide a comprehensive and current weather snapshot. | The extent of geographic and data specificity is not clarified. |
Real, human-checked weather observations ensure data reliability. |
8. AWIS Weather Services - LIVE Daily Weather Feed - United States Weather Data
A daily updated dataset offering real, quality-checked weather observations across the United States, sorted by zip code. It can be particularly useful for region-specific applications in the US.
Pros | Cons |
Daily updates provide current weather data. | Coverage is limited to the United States. |
Quality-checked, reliable weather observations. | The granularity of zip code-level data may be excessive for some applications. |
9. CustomWeather - Historical Hourly and Daily Weather Observations
This dataset offers a rich archive of historical hourly and daily weather observations across 8,400 global locations. It spans from 1930 or earlier to today, ideal for historical climate research.
Pros | Cons |
Comprehensive historical data allows for long-term climate studies. | The exact range of included weather parameters is not specified. |
Broad geographic coverage with data from 8,400 global locations. |
Understanding Daily Precipitation Data
Daily precipitation data plays a crucial role in various industries and sectors, including agriculture, water resource management, construction, transportation, and climate research. It helps professionals and researchers understand rainfall patterns, water availability, and flood risks, enabling them to optimize operations, plan for future contingencies, and mitigate potential hazards.
Sources and Collection of Daily Precipitation Data:
Daily precipitation data is collected from a vast network of weather stations, satellites, and weather monitoring systems worldwide. These sources provide accurate and reliable measurements, allowing for comprehensive analyses and predictions. The data is then processed, quality-controlled, and compiled into databases, which are made available for access and utilization.
#. Applications and Use Cases
- Agriculture: Farmers can utilize daily precipitation data to determine optimal irrigation schedules, plan crop planting and harvesting, and assess drought risks.
- Water Resource Management: Daily precipitation data assists in water allocation, reservoir management, and flood control, ensuring sustainable usage and efficient distribution.
- Construction: Precipitation data aids construction projects by informing scheduling decisions, managing erosion risks, and ensuring worker safety.
- Transportation: Weather-dependent industries such as aviation and shipping rely on daily precipitation data for planning routes, managing logistics, and assessing potential disruptions.
- Climate Research: Daily precipitation data contributes to long-term climate modeling, analysis of climate change patterns, and the understanding of regional weather systems.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often is daily precipitation data collected?
Daily precipitation data is collected on a daily basis, capturing the rainfall and other forms of precipitation within a given time period.
Are daily precipitation databases accessible for all locations worldwide?
Yes, daily precipitation databases cover a wide range of locations globally, ensuring access to data from various regions and climates.
Can daily precipitation data be used for short-term weather forecasting?
While daily precipitation data provides valuable historical records, short-term weather forecasting typically involves a combination of various data sources and modeling techniques.
Is daily precipitation data available in real-time?
Real-time daily precipitation data is available through certain weather monitoring systems and platforms, providing up-to-date information for immediate analysis and decision-making.
How accurate is daily precipitation data?
Daily precipitation data undergoes rigorous quality control processes to ensure accuracy. However, minor variations and discrepancies may occur due to factors such as measurement techniques, equipment calibration, and localized weather conditions.
How can I access daily precipitation databases?
Daily precipitation databases can be accessed through specialized providers and platforms that offer subscription-based services or data packages tailored to specific needs and requirements.
Can daily precipitation data be integrated with other datasets?
Yes, daily precipitation data can be integrated with other relevant datasets, such as temperature records, humidity levels, and atmospheric conditions, to gain comprehensive insights and facilitate more accurate analyses.
How far back do daily precipitation databases typically go?
The historical range of daily precipitation databases varies depending on the provider and location. Some databases may have data records spanning several decades, while others may offer more recent collections.
Is it possible to analyze and visualize daily precipitation data?
Yes, various data analysis and visualization tools allow users to explore and interpret daily precipitation data effectively. These tools enable users to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies within the datasets.
Can daily precipitation data be used for climate change studies?
Yes, daily precipitation data is valuable for climate change studies as it helps identify long-term trends, changes in rainfall patterns, and potential impacts on ecosystems and human activities.
How can daily precipitation data benefit businesses and decision-makers?
Daily precipitation data enables businesses and decision-makers to make informed choices, optimize resource allocation, mitigate risks, plan for weather-related contingencies, and enhance overall operational efficiency.
What are some alternative terms for daily precipitation data?
Other terms used to refer to daily precipitation data include daily rainfall data, daily precipitation records, and daily precipitation measurements.