Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API product image in hero

Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API

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Precipitation Index
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English rain gauge locations
Data Quality
within 10th to 90th centiles
Avail. Formats
.json, .csv, and .xls

Data Dictionary

[Sample] AugustEarlyAutumn2022_PrecipitationIndexWeatherLogisticsLtdForecast.csv
Attribute Type Example Mapping
String Catchment_1
Float 56.6558131661555 Latitude
Float -4.774860953303145 Longitude
Precipitation Index
Float 6.6


Re-Climate® supplies reliable extended daily precipitation forecasts for riverine catchment zones, validated by NPL. These 15-week outlooks are ideal for management operations at hydroelectric facilities, utilities and for water management. Geographical coverage includes the UK, Spain and Turkey.
The Re-Climate® API delivers the most reliable seasonal climate prediction system in Europe, with its extended precipitation forecasts independently assessed by the National Physical Laboratory. Uniquely, WeatherLogistics® delivers long-range forecasts of 2 to 15 weeks (14 to 90 days) suitable for operations planning. WeatherLogistics® research and development focusses on reducing model bias and uncertainties at a local scale. It achieves this by blending numerous climate datasets and weather models (ECMWF, Met Office, Météo-France and a jet stream linked statistical model) through its algorithms. This helps organisations to accurately forecast extreme weather, within well-calibrated confidence intervals, calculate their risk exposure and adapt to extreme weather and chronic climate hazards. Re-Climate®'s unique provision of confidence bounds, and Python Quickstart code allows users to reduce their Data Science workload and calculate accurate likelihoods of occurrence for weather events. Downscaling is both temporal and spatial and based on local variability training (altitude, coastlines, surface land cover, geology, rain shadows, frost basins and other geographical features), with daily precipitation events spatially correlated and consistent with ERA-5 observations. Evidence for its validity is supported through impartial assessment work undertaken by the UK's national measurements standards agency (NPL Management Limited). Modelling weather events and seasonal climate helps decision-makers communicate losses linked to floods, drought, wind damage, hail, heatwaves or freeze days to within 3.5 kilometres. Forecasts of climate perils covering the next full 3 months. Supplied as a 100-member 'ensemble', a collection of well-calibrated daily weather time series, Re-Climate® enables firms to better hedge or price their risk. The product also helps clients adapt to acute physical risks posed by extreme weather events such as heatwaves and floods, develop rigorous scenario plans, and protect assets from climate hazards on operational timescales. WeatherLogistics has a mission to help meet UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for food, water, and natural resources. Currently the firm is developing a sustainability monitoring platform to advise farmers on their present and future climate exposure and how to reduce both their agricultural inputs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This forms part of a 12-month project in partnership with the University of Leicester, the University of Reading and supported and funded by UKRI/ STFC. Future farmers will be able to build smarter precision farming solutions and benchmarking platforms, integrated pest management systems, and decision-support applications to avoid food supply distribution. Growers can also optimise their operations with better timed preventative spraying, frost protection, and crop quality assurance.

Country Coverage

Asia (1)
Europe (2)
United Kingdom


6 months of historical data


3 countries covered
6 months of historical data
984 English rain gauge locations


WeatherLogistics has not published pricing information for this product yet. You can request detailed pricing information below.

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business


Self-reported by the provider
within 10th to 90th centiles
average precipitation error
forecast category match



Use Cases

Urban Planning
Water Companies
Utility Management
Pumped Hydroelectric


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Frequently asked questions

What is Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API?

Re-Climate® supplies reliable extended daily precipitation forecasts for riverine catchment zones, validated by NPL. These 15-week outlooks are ideal for management operations at hydroelectric facilities, utilities and for water management. Geographical coverage includes the UK, Spain and Turkey.

What is Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API used for?

This product has 4 key use cases. WeatherLogistics recommends using the data for Urban Planning, Water Companies, Utility Management, and Pumped Hydroelectric. Global businesses and organizations buy Weather Data from WeatherLogistics to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API?

This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for Weather Data. Get in touch with WeatherLogistics to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API go?

This product has 6 months of historical coverage. It can be delivered on a monthly, real-time, and on-demand basis.

Which countries does Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API cover?

This product includes data covering 3 countries like UK, Spain, and Turkey. WeatherLogistics is headquartered in United Kingdom.

How much does Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API cost?

Pricing information for Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API is available by getting in contact with WeatherLogistics. Connect with WeatherLogistics to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

How can I get Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API?

Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, WeatherLogistics can deliver this product in .json, .csv, .xls, and .txt format.

What is the data quality of Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API?

WeatherLogistics has reported that this product has the following quality and accuracy assurances: 80% within 10th to 90th centiles, 65% forecast category match, 15% average precipitation error. You can compare and assess the data quality of WeatherLogistics using Datarade’s data marketplace.

What are similar products to Flood Catchment 2 to 15 Week Extended Forecast, Rainfall Gauge API?

This product has 3 related products. These alternatives include CustomWeather Rainfall API: Rainfall Forecast and Historical Weather Data with Global Coverage, 5 Years Historical Weather Data for Europe Per Zip Code Temperature Data Rainfall Data Climate Data Wind Data, and Energy Consumption Data Energy Resource ESG Data 14k+ Companies. You can compare the best Weather Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Pricing available upon request