What is Procurement Data? Examples, Uses, Types & Datasets

Procurement data is crucial for businesses aiming to optimize their purchasing processes and make better informed decisions. In this article, you will discover what procurement data is, how it can be used, and where to find the best procurement data products.

What is Procurement Data?

Procurement data includes all information related to purchasing activities. It includes purchase orders, contract details, pricing information, and supplier details. Examples of procurement data are financial statements, purchase order histories, and invoice processing. This data is crucial for organizations to optimize procurement processes, improve supplier relationships, and ensure efficient inventory management. On this page, you’ll find the best data sources for various types of procurement data.

Data Specialist Lucy
Lucy Kelly
Data Specialist

Best Procurement Data Databases & Datasets

Here is Datarade's curated selection of top Procurement Data. These trusted databases and datasets offer high-quality, up-to-date information.

Datlab | Europe Procurement Data | 20M+ Public Tenders | 10+ Years History | B2G Data

by Datlab
Available for 27 countries
20M public tenders
10 years of historical data
90% tenders
Starts at
€3,000 / purchase
Free sample preview

MedMiner Models - US Medical Devices & Hospital Supplies Procurement Data

by MedMine
Available for 2 countries
11 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
Starts at
$1,800 / purchase
Free sample preview

Datlab | Medical equipment | Europe Public Procurement Data | 10+ Years History Available | 1+ Million Public Tenders & Contracts

by Datlab
Available for 27 countries
1 million public procurements
10 years of historical data
90% public procurements
Starts at
€3,000 / purchase
Free sample preview
Starts at
€3,000 / purchase
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Procurement Data plays a pivotal role in various business applications, offering valuable insights and opportunities across industries.

What are the sources of Procurement Data?

Internal Procurement Data

Internal procurement data comes directly from the organization. This type of procurement data can be found in financial databases, transactional data, accounting systems, procurement management software, emails, and spreadsheets.

External Procurement Data

External procurement data is sourced outside the organization. This type of data includes market reports, bank information, public financial statements, supplier portals, and market intelligence platforms.

How is Procurement Data collected?

Manual Procurement Data Collection

Manual data collection involves gathering procurement data through traditional methods like paper-based forms, spreadsheets, and manual database entries.

Automated Procurement Data Collection

Automated data collection uses technology to capture and process procurement data.

  • Data Integration Tools: These tools integrate data from various sources, such as procurement software, and supplier portals, into a centralized database.
  • APIs: Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow different software systems to communicate and share data seamlessly. By using APIs, organizations can automate the flow of procurement data between their systems and external sources.

What are the types of Procurement Data?

Supplier Data

Supplier data contains information about suppliers, including contact details, performance metrics, contract terms, and historical transaction records. This data is crucial for evaluating supplier reliability and negotiating better terms.

Spending Data

Spending data shows how much money is spent on goods and services. It includes details on expenses across various categories, departments, and suppliers. Analyzing spending data helps find areas for cost reduction and efficiency improvements.

Invoice Data

Invoice data captures details of invoices received from suppliers, including invoice numbers, amounts, dates, and payment statuses. This data is key for financial management, ensuring timely payments.

Contract Data

Contract data involves terms and conditions between an organization and its suppliers. This includes pricing, delivery schedules, quality standards, and penalty clauses. This procurement data helps avoid disputes and ensures compliance with agreed terms.

What are the benefits of Procurement Data analysis?

Improved Decision-Making

Analyzing procurement data provides organizations with valuable insights to improve decision-making. By understanding spending patterns, supplier performance, and market trends, organizations can make informed choices about strategies, supplier selection, and contract negotiations.

Supplier Relationships

Procurement data analysis helps in monitoring supplier performance and compliance with contract terms. By identifying potential issues, organizations can foresee blockers and build more collaborative relationships with their suppliers.

Cost Reduction and Efficiency

Through analysis of procurement data, organizations can identify cost-saving opportunities and inefficiencies in their procurement processes. By optimizing order quantities, negotiating better terms, and streamlining operational processes, organizations can reduce procurement costs and improve efficiency.

Risk Management

Analyzing procurement data helps organizations identify potential risks in their supply chain, such as supplier dependency, market volatility, and compliance issues. By managing these risks, organizations can mitigate disruptions, ensure business continuity, and maintain regulatory compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Procurement Data?

Data providers and vendors listed on Datarade sell Procurement Data products and samples. Popular Procurement Data products and datasets available on our platform are Datlab | Europe Procurement Data | 20M+ Public Tenders | 10+ Years History | B2G Data by Datlab, MedMiner Models - US Medical Devices & Hospital Supplies Procurement Data by MedMine, and MarketEdge’s USA C-level local government Head of Purchasing / Procurement Executives b2g contact data (e-mail, phone) w/ 10k phone verified records by The Atlas MarketEdge.

How can I get Procurement Data?

You can get Procurement Data via a range of delivery methods - the right one for you depends on your use case. For example, historical Procurement Data is usually available to download in bulk and delivered using an S3 bucket. On the other hand, if your use case is time-critical, you can buy real-time Procurement Data APIs, feeds and streams to download the most up-to-date intelligence.

What are similar data types to Procurement Data?

Procurement Data is similar to Consumer Review Data, Product Data, Ecommerce Data, Online Purchase Data, and Online Shopping Data. These data categories are commonly used for Supply Chain Intelligence and Supply Chain Analytics.

What are the most common use cases for Procurement Data?

The top use cases for Procurement Data are Supply Chain Intelligence, Supply Chain Analytics, and Procurement Intelligence.