Best Precipitation Data APIs
Precipitation Data APIs provide access to detailed information on rainfall, including current conditions, historical data, and forecasts. These APIs are essential for meteorology, agriculture, and environmental monitoring. They offer precipitation data, aiding in weather prediction, water resource management, and climate research. Discover Precipitation Data APIs from leading providers for accurate and insightful rainfall information.
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9 Results
CustomWeather Weather API: Precipitation Data with Global Coverage
Dew point
Comfort level
Barometric pressure
Barometric tendency
Precipitation ... Current conditions and historical data available for approximately 8000 locations worldwide.
Available for 249 countries
8K records
40 years of historical data
100% %
Pricing available upon request
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CustomWeather API | Real-Time Weather Data | Current Conditions For 12,500 Global Weather Stations | Temperature Data I Rainfall Data I Wind Data I
, Place Data, Precipitation Data, Rainfall Data, Real-Time Weather Data, Agricultural Weather Data, Temperature ... temperature
wind speed and direction
dew point
mean sea-level pressure
6-hour precipitation
Available for 249 countries
8.5K ICAO Stations
40 years of historical data
99% match rate
Pricing available upon request
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5 Years Historical Weather Data for Europe Per Zip Code | Temperature Data | Rainfall Data | Climate Data | Wind Data
air pressure, temperature, precipitation, rainfall data and wind data
Offers insights into how weather ... In addition to standard weather measurements such as air pressure, temperature, precipitation, and wind
Available for 51 countries
24 hours daily
5 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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CustomWeather API | Historical Weather Data | Climate Data | Hourly And Daily | 8,500 Global Weather Stations | Archived Back To The 1940s
The Historical Weather data includes information on Places Data, Precipitation Data, Rainfall Data, Severe ... , dewpoint, sea level pressure, precipitation, etc.
Available for 249 countries
8.5K Global Weather Stations
100% Accurate Data
Starts at
$250 / purchase
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FarmersEdge | Real-Time Weather Data | Station data for 1,000 locations in North America | Risk Management
Unlike the majority of weather data providers, our data is not derived from models, it is collected in
Available for 2 countries
Pricing available upon request
Accurate Weather Forecast API - Meteosource
Comprehensive hyperlocal weather data for any location or GPS coordinate. ... Weather data from Meteosource are based on cutting-edge machine learning models.
Streaming API
Feed API
Available for 249 countries
20K API calls
20 years of historical data
Starts at
$0.01 / API call
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CustomWeather | Historical Weather Forecasts | Historical Weather Data | Forecasts Archived Back To 2012 | 85,000 Global Weather Data Locations
, Place Data, Precipitation Data, Rainfall Data, Surface Data, Storm Data, Agricultural Weather Data, ... wind conditions, temperature, dew point, humidity, visibility, rainfall totals, snowfall totals, and precipitation
Available for 249 countries
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
11 years of historical data
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
Starts at
$250 / purchase
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CustomWeather Rainfall API: Rainfall Forecast and Historical Weather Data with Global Coverage
Data will include condition descriptions, high/low temperatures, wind speed and direction, dew point, ... MOS: (Model Output Statistics) for any global location using archive of model and observation data.
Available for 236 countries
85K records
40 years of historical data
100% %
Pricing available upon request
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CustomWeather API | Weather Forecasts | Hourly And Daily | 85,000 Global Weather Forecast Points | Forecasts Archived Back To 2012
, Precipitation Data, Rainfall Data, Surface Data, Storm Data, Agricultural Weather Data, Temperature ... , 6-hr forecasted precipitation amounts, and miles/kilometers of visibility.
Available for 249 countries
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
Pricing available upon request
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24 hours daily
51 countries covered
5 years of historical data
This historical weather dataset provides hourly weather data for a given ZIP code since 2018-01-01. You can use this data to analyze and understand how weath...
8.5K ICAO Stations
99% match rate
249 countries covered
Real-Time Weather Data for 8,500 ICAO locations and 4,000 WMO locations worldwide. The ICAO stations report current conditions every hour. The WMO stations...
8K records
100% %
249 countries covered
Current conditions and historical data available for approximately 8000 locations worldwide. Updated every 30-180 minutes, or as updated by the reporting sta...
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
249 countries covered
CustomWeather runs a proven forecast model, the CustomWeather 100. The model is run at 100-m horizontal resolution! Historical Weather Forecasts - hourly a...
20K API calls
249 countries covered
20 years of historical data
Comprehensive hyperlocal weather data for any location or GPS coordinate. Updated in real-time based on the latest measurements. Minute-by-minute, hour-by-ho...
8.5K Global Weather Stations
100% Accurate Data
249 countries covered
CustomWeather houses hourly and daily climate data for 8,500 global weather stations. This archived weather data extends back to the 1940s. The historical w...
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
249 countries covered
CustomWeather runs a proven forecast model, the CustomWeather 100. The model is so-named as it is run at 100-m horizontal resolution. The CW100 delivers ho...
8.5K ICAO Stations
99% match rate
249 countries covered
Real-Time Weather Data for 8,500 ICAO locations and 4,000 WMO locations worldwide. The ICAO stations report current conditions every hour. The WMO stations...
24 hours daily
51 countries covered
5 years of historical data
This historical weather dataset provides hourly weather data for a given ZIP code since 2018-01-01. You can use this data to analyze and understand how weath...
8K records
100% %
249 countries covered
Current conditions and historical data available for approximately 8000 locations worldwide. Updated every 30-180 minutes, or as updated by the reporting sta...
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
249 countries covered
CustomWeather runs a proven forecast model, the CustomWeather 100. The model is run at 100-m horizontal resolution! Historical Weather Forecasts - hourly a...
85K records
100% %
236 countries covered
CustomWeather forecasts for 85,000+ global locations. Hourly and extended long-range forecasts available in any one of 95 languages.
8.5K Global Weather Stations
100% Accurate Data
249 countries covered
CustomWeather houses hourly and daily climate data for 8,500 global weather stations. This archived weather data extends back to the 1940s. The historical w...
85K records
100% %
236 countries covered
CustomWeather forecasts for 85,000+ global locations. Hourly and extended long-range forecasts available in any one of 95 languages.
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
249 countries covered
CustomWeather runs a proven forecast model, the CustomWeather 100. The model is run at 100-m horizontal resolution! Historical Weather Forecasts - hourly a...
8K records
100% %
249 countries covered
Current conditions and historical data available for approximately 8000 locations worldwide. Updated every 30-180 minutes, or as updated by the reporting sta...
24 hours daily
51 countries covered
5 years of historical data
This historical weather dataset provides hourly weather data for a given ZIP code since 2018-01-01. You can use this data to analyze and understand how weath...
2 countries covered
FarmersEdge has one of the continents' largest networks of installed and managed weather stations.