Best Data for Weather Forecasting
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Recommended Data for Weather Forecasting
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248 countries covered
Weather Source's Weather Impact Indices incorporate numerous factors such as climatology to provide a reference for the weather being above or below normal, ...
100M Weather Data Records Available
99.99% Accuracy in Weather Data
63 countries covered
Access comprehensive global weather data with ease. From real-time updates to historical trends, APISCRAPY provides insights into temperature, rainfall, win...
1 API Call
249 countries covered
80 years of historical data
Hourly time-series weather parameter for any location from 1940 to 16 days ahead.
85K global locations
249 countries covered
9 years of historical data
CustomWeather forecasts for 85,000+ global locations. Hourly and extended long-range forecasts available in any one of 95 languages.
288 updates / day
249 countries covered
The meteoblue Weather API provides access to the world's largest weather database, allowing for quick and easy retrieval of weather and environmental data in...
40K Zipcodes
100% quality checked
USA covered
AWIS Weather Services houses, maintains, and constantly updates an extensive database full of Climate and Weather Data. We offer a LIVE Weather Data Feed tha...
Based in USA
We provide industry-leading weather solutions to a wide range of industries that value quality, customer service, and data accuracy. As a leader in technolog...
of Industry Leadership
Based in Switzerland
meteoblue AG is a Swiss company producing and managing high accuracy weather and environmental data covering the entire Earth. meteoblue forecasts use observ...
weather variables
weather models
weather maps
Based in Switzerland
Meteomatics weather API delivers fast, direct, simple access to an extensive range of global weather and environmental data.
A single API endpoint to acce...
Weather Source
Based in USA
Weather Source’s mission is to make hyper-local weather and climate data accessible around the globe and across industries.
Globally Uniform
Statistically Consistent
Analytics-Grade Data
Based in UK
We have created the worlds 1st AI Demand Predictions as-a-service.
We predict at the hyper-local level buyer-intent and demand in the near term.
AWIS Weather Services
Based in USA
Worldwide Weather & Climate data. Quality controlled by humans every hour. Available in standard or custom formats geared towards data analytics, retail rese...
Real ground truth Observations
Years of Data
Weather Forecast Locations