OikoLab Weather
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About OikoLab Weather
OikoLab Weather in a Nutshell
Weather and Climate Data for Analysts
Country Coverage
Data Offering
We provide 80+ years of hourly historical and forecast weather and climate data for any location, with 60+ parameters for agriculture, renewable energy and business operations planning.
Featured in
Data Sources & Collection
ERA5 and GFS model dataset processed for fast time-series query.
Key Differentiators
Trusted by climate scientists and meteorologists, we provide transparent and fast access to climate and weather data published by weather agencies such as NOAA and ECMWF.
Data Privacy
We only retain collected information for as long as necessary to provide you with your requested service. What data we store, we’ll protect within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
Frequently asked questions about OikoLab Weather
What does OikoLab Weather do?
Analysis-ready weather and climate data at your fingertip with Oikolab API
How much does OikoLab Weather cost?
OikoLab Weather’s APIs and datasets range in cost from $0.01 / data unit (1 parameter x 1 location x 1 month) to $0.01 / data unit (1 parameter x 1 location x 1 month). OikoLab Weather offers free samples for individual data requirements. Get talking to a member of the OikoLab Weather team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for OikoLab Weather’s data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does OikoLab Weather have?
Weather Data, Climate Data, Historical Weather Data, and Global Weather Data
What data does OikoLab Weather offer?
We provide 80+ years of hourly historical and forecast weather and climate data for any location, with 60+ parameters for agriculture, renewable energy and business operations planning.
How does OikoLab Weather collect data?
ERA5 and GFS model dataset processed for fast time-series query.
What’s OikoLab Weather’s data privacy policy?
We only retain collected information for as long as necessary to provide you with your requested service. What data we store, we’ll protect within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
What are the best use cases for OikoLab Weather’s data?
Machine Learning, Data Analytics