Aviation Edge

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Aviation Edge Flights Tracker API provides detailed data on live, airborne flights. Developers use our data to create applications, websi...
12K flights at any time
99.5% Uptime rate
249 countries covered
The Airport Schedules API provides real-time airport timetable data of airports around the world.
10K Airports
99.5% Uptime
249 countries covered
Aviation Edge Historical Flight Schedules API provides detailed data on historical airport schedules. The data is on a global scale, cove...
10K Airports
99.5% Uptime
249 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Aviation Edge Airline Routes API provides data about the routes between all the airports an airline operates on, including passive. The s...
208K Routes
99.5% Uptime rate
249 countries covered
Aviation Edge Future Schedules API provides flight schedule data of a given date in the future by using an algorithm to create the schedu...
3K Airports
99.8% Uptime rate
248 countries covered
Aviation Edge Autocomplete API returns relevant airports and cities in the database based on the letters submitted. This allows users to ...
10.1K Airports
99.8% Uptime rate
248 countries covered
Aviation Edge Satellite Tracker API provides detailed, real-time data of satellites and objects orbiting around the Earth. The API covers...
20K Satellites and Orbiting Space Objects
99.5% Uptime
249 countries covered