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The Linkedin Company data covers the company data from Linkedin of about 9 million profiles. The data is from 2017.
240 countries covered
Datahut extracts product data from Amazon that helps customers understand the marketplace dynamics, competition, pricing trends, promotio...
25M records
106 countries covered
0 days of historical data
When investors have a large portfolio - monitoring them is hard. The SEC data feeds help them keep track of their portfolio compliance.
1M records
USA covered
0 days of historical data
This is a complete list of all Microsoft store locations, along with their geographic coordinates, Street addresses, City, State, ZIP cod...
100 records
USA covered
Datahuts cloud-based data extraction platform delivers clean, ready-to-use retail data at scale using our web scraping services and APIs....
249 countries covered
Datahut helps gather market information from real estate websites through our cloud-based web data extraction platform and APIs.
157 countries covered
Datahut extracts product data and occupancy details from websites like to help our customers get the competitive intelligence...
144 countries covered
1 days of historical data
Our mortgage insight data set covers mortgage advertisement data sourced for over 350 lenders every day to help independent mortgage lend...
4M records
USA covered