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Datapo Pricing & Cost

Learn about Datapo’s prices, subscription cost, and API pricing.
  1. Company data: starting at $1 per company profile
  2. Bulk data: starting at $0.1 per row
The supported pricing models for Datapo’s data are available by getting in contact with them via Datarade. Get talking to a member of the Datapo team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for Datapo’s data offering tailored to your use case.

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Datapo Competitors & Alternatives

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HitHorizons is a database of EU companies with profiles of 80M+ companies and organizations. Data can be integrated to any software via API and filtered using relevant criteria. Free version provid...
USA is a new breed AI data platform. We've developed the most comprehensive and accurate global data sets on the market. Our LinkedIn full-scale refresh rate is every 14 days, which is the f...
Intellizence award-winning AI platform monitors growth & sales, risk & distress signals in companies from various external data sources to deliver timely & relevant intelligence - customer intellig...
Techsalerator is a global B2B and B2C data provider based out of South Florida. We cover 219 countries of B2B data with deep firmographic , POI's and contact coverages. Techsalerator is ideally ...
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About Datapo

Learn more about Datapo’s data sources, use cases, and integrations.

Datapo in a Nutshell

Tools for business to reduce risks, increase profits and automate processes. One of the largest worldwide business related databases.


Data Offering

Over 40000 different data sources from 120+ countries
Over 900000 data files updated 2000+ times per day

Use Cases

  1. Check company and verify ownership data
  2. Find new B2B customers, partners, suppliers

Data Sources & Collection

We use only verified sources: state registries.
We do NOT use social networks, third-party providers and rumors.

Key Differentiators

  1. Data exclusively from the source
  2. No social networks, no third-party providers, no rumors
  3. Global business database
  4. Advanced affiliation search

Data Privacy

Available at

GDPR compliant


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Frequently asked questions about Datapo

What does Datapo do?

One of the largest business databases in the world

How much does Datapo cost?

The supported pricing models for Datapo’s data are available by getting in contact with them via Datarade. Get talking to a member of the Datapo team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for Datapo’s data offering tailored to your use case.

What kind of data does Datapo have?

B2B Leads Data, Business Listings Data, and Company Data

What data does Datapo offer?

Over 40000 different data sources from 120+ countries Over 900000 data files updated 2000+ times per day

How does Datapo collect data?

We use only verified sources: state registries. We do NOT use social networks, third-party providers and rumors.

What’s Datapo’s data privacy policy?

Available at

What are the best use cases for Datapo’s data?

Check company and verify ownership data Find new B2B customers, partners, suppliers

What platforms is Datapo integrated with?

Salesforce Audience Studio (fka Krux DMP)