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Enter a company's trade name or an individual's name to search for patent ownership across 100+ PTOs from 1976 (or earlier) to this day.
133M patents
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Enter a list of company names or patent numbers to retrieve patents in summary of application year, country, legal status, family and qua...
133M patents
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102 countries covered
50 years of historical data
Enter a list of company names or patent numbers to analyze patent info in relation between X and Y legends selected from application yea...
133M patents
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102 countries covered
50 years of historical data
Enter a company name collectively to auto-generate its patent landscaping analysis in competitive comparison by core technology, inventor...
133M patents
99% completness
102 countries covered
50 years of historical data
Enter a company name collectively to auto-generate its current patent portfolio analysis with global coverage, remaining life of active p...
133M patents
99% completness
102 countries covered
50 years of historical data
Enter a company name collectively to auto-generate its patent due diligence (DD) report that combines both portfolio and landscape analyses.
133M patents
99% completness
102 countries covered
50 years of historical data