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Unrivalled grade-level historical, current and predictive pricing, supply & demand data and expert insight covering the polycarbonate mar...
50K records
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5 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Unrivalled grade-level historical, current and predictive pricing, supply & demand data and expert insight covering the polyethylene mark...
50K records
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5 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Unrivalled grade-level historical, current and predictive pricing, supply & demand data and expert insight covering the polyethylene tere...
50K records
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5 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Unrivalled grade-level historical, current and predictive pricing, supply & demand data and expert insight covering the polypropylene mar...
50K records
100% fundamentals
5 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Unrivalled grade-level historical, current and predictive pricing, supply & demand data and expert insight covering the polystyrene marke...
50K records
100% prices
5 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Unrivalled grade-level historical, current and predictive pricing, supply & demand data and expert insight covering the polyvinyl chlorid...
50K records
100% prices
5 countries covered
10 years of historical data