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Verified Data Provider
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Reomnify offers a dynamic, comprehensive and trustworthy database of Points-Of-Interest, drawn from hundreds of sources and partners.
418 Categories
95% Accuracy
54 countries covered
Reomnify's expert data science team and proprietary algorithms are employed by our customers to build bespoke, trustworthy datasets.
249 countries covered
Reomnify builds off-the-shelf and bespoke urban indices (liveability, urban health, greenery, gentrification, amenity density etc), to al...
102 countries covered
Reomnify tracks, monthly, the names and categories of the tenants of all major shopping centres in any market (eg 900+ shopping centres c...
95% Accuracy
140 countries covered
Reomnify tracks, monthly, the locations and categories of all major retail brands in any market (eg 1000+ brands covered in Australia). U...
95% Coverage
249 countries covered
Reomnify tracks, monthly, the locations and categories of all branded and independent Restaurants, Cafes and Takeaways in any market (eg ...
80K locations
95% match rate
249 countries covered
We track the locations, amenities and weekly listings for residential Build To Rent (Multifamily) developments in any given market. We ca...
7 Days Refresh
249 countries covered
Detailed, unique insights into the property development pipeline, currently offered in Australia.
61 % cost savings
95% coverage
Australia covered
Discover Reomnify's global commercial real estate data featuring commercial, residential, and commercial real estate locations. Updated m...
1K Brands
249 countries covered
Reomnify's expert data science team and proprietary algorithms are employed by our customers to build bespoke, trustworthy datasets.
1 hourly update (at least)
249 countries covered
Use Reomnify's expert data science team and proprietary algorithms to build customers to build bespoke, trustworthy datasets.
We can p...
1 hourly update (at least)
249 countries covered
Reomnify's expert data science team and proprietary algorithms are employed by our customers to build bespoke, trustworthy datasets.
61 % cost savings
249 countries covered
Reomnify's expert data science team and proprietary algorithms are employed by our customers to build bespoke, trustworthy datasets.
1 hourly update (at least)
249 countries covered
Reomnify's expert data science team and proprietary algorithms are employed by our customers to build bespoke, trustworthy datasets.
61 % cost savings
249 countries covered
Reomnify's expert data science team and proprietary algorithms are employed by our customers to build bespoke, trustworthy datasets.
61 % cost savings
249 countries covered