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About RoyaltyStat
RoyaltyStat in a Nutshell
RoyaltyStat® is a first-to-market US company offering a well-recognized branded database of royalty rates extracted from unredacted license agreements. Content and software development began in 1996 and launched online 1999. The data are used worldwide for corporate income tax transfer pricing compliance and intangible asset (intellectual property) valuation. RoyaltyStat is trusted by government agencies, corporations, and accounting, consulting and law firms worldwide.
Country Coverage
Data Offering
RoyaltyStat® provides the largest corpus of royalty rates based on net sales from license agreements for intangible assets (intellectual property), covering 194 countries and 10 GCIS sectors dating back over 65 years. Each royalty rate is accompanied by normalized contractual terms of the agreement and licensed patent numbers (where applicable) to facilitate quantitative analysis.
Use Cases
The value of intangible assets (intellectual property or IP) is a key driver in mergers and acquisitions, the negotiation of royalty rates in licensing transactions and determination of potential damages in intellectual property litigation. In the relief from royalty valuation of intangibles, the valuation consultant must determine a reasonable royalty rate based on analysis of comparable transactions.
RoyaltyStat® provides the largest and most reliable corpus of royalty rates based on net sales from license and mineral rights agreements filed with the US SEC, state departments of commerce and SEDAR (Canada). For every royalty rate, we also curate the relevant contractual terms of the transaction for comparability analysis in a format that facilitates quantitative analysis to spot trends and determine the most reliable and defensible reasonable royalty rate.
**Valuation of Intangible Assets in M&A and Alternative Investments **
Determine reasonable royalty rate for present valuation of intangible assets in company valuations and purchase price allocation.
Reasonable Royalty Damages in IP Infringement Litigation
Determine reasonable royalty rate defendant would have paid to license intellectual property to calculate potential damages.
RoyaltyStat contains the largest corpus of previously redacted agreements to adjust for possible differences between confidential and disclosed transactions.
Financial Terms of Pharmaceutical Licensing Transactions
Find comparable royalty rates and determine present value of licensed intangibles in the negotiation of running royalty rates and lump-sum payments.
RoyaltyStat provides almost 5,800 royalty rates in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.
Data Sources & Collection
We use natural language processing (NLP) to mine public corporate filings for potential license agreements, and our in-house analysts manually screen and extract data in a multi-step QA process for maximum reliability.
Key Differentiators
The largest corpus of royalty rates based on net sales – over 16,500.
Data trusted by over a dozen government administrations.
The most comprehensive extraction of contractual terms affecting comparability analysis.
Unique descriptions of license grants and intangibles that facilitate more efficient analysis.
The most reliable data extraction process, with manual extraction and multi-step quality assurance.
Access to unique software tools for comparability analysis (available with database subscriptions).
Data Privacy
All RoyaltyStat data is sourced form public filings.

Frequently asked questions about RoyaltyStat
What does RoyaltyStat do?
RoyaltyStat provides the largest corpus of royalty rates from unredacted license agreements for intangible assets, with normalize indicators to facilitate quantitative analysis.
How much does RoyaltyStat cost?
RoyaltyStat’s APIs and datasets start at $5,000. Get talking to a member of the RoyaltyStat team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for RoyaltyStat’s data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does RoyaltyStat have?
Intellectual Property Data, Patent Data, and Royalty Rates Data
What data does RoyaltyStat offer?
RoyaltyStat® provides the largest corpus of royalty rates based on net sales from license agreements for intangible assets (intellectual property), covering 194 countries and 10 GCIS sectors dating back over 65 years. Each royalty rate is accompanied by normalized contractual terms of the agreement and licensed patent numbers (where applicable) to facilitate quantitative analysis.
How does RoyaltyStat collect data?
We use natural language processing (NLP) to mine public corporate filings for potential license agreements, and our in-house analysts manually screen and extract data in a multi-step QA process for maximum reliability.
What’s RoyaltyStat’s data privacy policy?
All RoyaltyStat data is sourced form public filings.
What are the best use cases for RoyaltyStat’s data?
The value of intangible assets (intellectual property or IP) is a key driver in mergers and acquisitions, the negotiation of royalty rates in licensing transactions and determination of potential damages in intellectual property litigation. In the relief from royalty valuation of intangibles, the valuation consultant must determine a reasonable royalty rate based on analysis of comparable transactions. RoyaltyStat® provides the largest and most reliable corpus of royalty rates based on net sales from license and mineral rights agreements filed with the US SEC, state departments of commerce and SEDAR (Canada). For every royalty rate, we also curate the relevant contractual terms of the transaction for comparability analysis in a format that facilitates quantitative analysis to spot trends and determine the most reliable and defensible reasonable royalty rate. **Valuation of Intangible Assets in M&A and Alternative Investments ** Determine reasonable royalty rate for present valuation of intangible assets in company valuations and purchase price allocation. Reasonable Royalty Damages in IP Infringement Litigation Determine reasonable royalty rate defendant would have paid to license intellectual property to calculate potential damages. RoyaltyStat contains the largest corpus of previously redacted agreements to adjust for possible differences between confidential and disclosed transactions. Financial Terms of Pharmaceutical Licensing Transactions Find comparable royalty rates and determine present value of licensed intangibles in the negotiation of running royalty rates and lump-sum payments. RoyaltyStat provides almost 5,800 royalty rates in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.
What platforms is RoyaltyStat integrated with?
Open:FactSet Marketplace and BattleFin Ensemble