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Optimized for quick response

Get instant access to a comprehensive list of all DoorDash restaurants in the US. Fully customizable datasets based on your requirements.
294K restaurants
USA covered
Done for you price scraping services. Give us the websites. Tell us what data you need. We'll do the heavy lifting for you.
100% Accuracy
249 countries covered
Done for you price scraping services. Give us the websites. Tell us what data you need. We'll do the heavy lifting for you.
100% Accuracy
249 countries covered
Get instant access to Amazon third-party seller data. Fully customizable datasets based on your requirements.
960K sellers
97% accuracy
249 countries covered
6 years of historical data
Get instant access to a comprehensive Shopify store directory. Fully customizable datasets based on your requirements.
1.4M stores
97% accuracy
182 countries covered
Get instant access to a comprehensive list of Walmart sellers. Fully customizable datasets based on your requirements.
400K sellers
99% accuracy
USA covered
4 years of historical data
Get instant access to a complete eBay sellers directory. Fully customizable datasets based on your requirements.
60.3K sellers
99% accuracy
9 countries covered
12 years of historical data
Get instant access to WooCommerce store data. Fully customizable datasets based on your requirements.
1.6M stores
95% accuracy
182 countries covered
Get instant access to a worldwide Magento store directory. Fully customizable datasets based on your requirements.
141K stores
95% accuracy
249 countries covered
Get instant access to a list of all active BigCommerce stores. Fully customizable datasets based on your requirements.
46K stores
95% accuracy
249 countries covered
Done for you web scraping services. Give us the websites. Tell us what data you need. We'll do the heavy lifting for you.
100% Accuracy
249 countries covered
Done for you LinkedIn scraping services. Tell us your search criteria and data points and we'll do the heavy lifting for you
100% accuracy
249 countries covered