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Some maritime data providers that deploy vessel tracking systems rely on us to deliver daily/weekly/monthly updates on vessel ownership c...
100K vessel data
97% accuracy
249 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Our database include various company types - ship-breakers, owners, commercial managers, technical managers, operators, financial institu...
20K maritime companies data
97% accuracy
249 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Vessels recently inspected at port states often reveal what could be invaluable information for would-be charterers, financiers, and brok...
97% accuracy
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Although not widely reported, maritime accidents are a daily occurrence and can make for good newsworthy reports.
We compile this inf...
200 ship accidents and casualty reports
97% accuracy
249 countries covered
2 years of historical data
A list of ships and marine vessels due for drydocking and special survey.
It includes vessel specifications, flag, classification and...
30K records
97% accuracy
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
A list of approximately 20,000 ships and marine vessels showing installed engine and engine capacity details.
19.4K records
97% accuracy
249 countries covered
20 years of historical data
List of vessels sold for second-hand trading and/or for demolition (scrapping). We collate this from several sources including shipbroker...
25K records
97% coverage
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data