The Warren Group

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Gain an in-depth view of property characteristics for more than 157 million properties across the United States (also available at the st...
157M Records
99% Coverage
USA covered
15 years of historical data
Sourced from recorder offices, deed and mortgage data provides a one-of-a-kind view of real estate transactions across the United States.
500M Records
99% Coverage
USA covered
15 years of historical data
NMLS Loan Originator Mortgage Data provides strong intelligence to inform your next move. Access Loan Originator NMLS IDs, Loan Originato...
99% Coverage
USA covered
10 years of historical data
U.S. National MLS (Multiple Listing Service) Property Listings Data provides comprehensive and up-to-date information about properties av...
60M Records
99% Coverage
USA covered
Identify which properties are associated with Homeowner Associations. Explore our robust HOA database, including HOA fees and contact inf...
49M Records
99% Coverage
USA covered
Land Parcel Data provides detailed information about individual parcels of land, offering insights into land ownership, boundaries, zonin...
157M Parcel Records & Geometries
99% Coverage
USA covered
In a constantly changing marketplace, access to timely property listings data is crucial. With this robust data set, you can gain a compl...
50 Property Characteristics
99% Coverage
USA covered
Dissect mortgage assignments, a transfer of mortgage ownership, as well as releases which are the result of the mortgage being paid in fu...
15 Years of Historical Transactions
99% Coverage
USA covered
15 years of historical data
Loan Originator Contact Data has been notoriously difficult to obtain from a single, reliable source… until now. Gain access to the conta...
400K Records
USA covered
Our Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Data is a service that uses mathematical modeling to determine current market values. AVM data includ...
99% Coverage
USA covered
Gain unmatched access to data on all stages of the pre-foreclosure and foreclosure process from a single source.
23M Records
99% Coverage
USA covered
Rental data is essential for making informed decisions. Property managers streamline operations, investors find opportunities, and asset ...
14M Records
USA covered
If you’re looking for motivated sellers, Probate Data provides an opportunity to target an audience that would benefit from your services...
100K Records
USA covered
Our Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Data is a service that uses mathematical modeling to determine current market values. AVM data includ...
99% Coverage
USA covered
Understanding local development trends and making informed real estate decisions requires access to reliable and comprehensive data. Amon...
200M Permits
95% Major Metro Parcels
USA covered