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Get past purchases of any user on Amazon with their profile link and learn more about the target audience of different brands and products.
800 records per request
90% coverage
USA covered
10 years of historical data
Scrape online reviews from Amazon without worrying about headless browsers, proxies or CAPTCHAS.
5K reviews per request
99% accuracy
7 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Scrape online reviews from Yelp without worrying about headless browsers, proxies or CAPTCHAS.
5K reviews per request
99% accuracy
3 countries covered
16 years of historical data
Scrape online reviews from Walmart without worrying about headless browsers, proxies or CAPTCHAS.
1K reviews per request
99% accuracy
USA covered
7 years of historical data
Scrape online reviews from eBay without worrying about headless browsers, proxies or CAPTCHAS.
5K reviews per request
99% Accuracy
6 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Scrape online reviews and ratings from AliExpress simply with an API. No need to code or configure crawlers.
10K reviews per request
100% structured
107 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Scrape online reviews and ratings from Costco.com simply with an API. No need to code or configure crawlers.
5K reviews per request
99% Accuracy
USA covered
2 years of historical data
An API that can scrape and return structured data from any website on the web in real time. No need for writing and maintaining your own ...
227 countries covered
5 years of historical data