MAID - PII Data: Best MAID - PII Datasets & Databases
Our MAID-PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data listings offer businesses valuable information about consumer identities by combining Mobile Advertising ID (MAID) data with hashed PII, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. This dataset allows the creation of highly targeted marketing campaigns, effectively reaching desired audiences. Using our MAID-PII data source, businesses can gain deeper insights into their target audience, optimize marketing efforts, and drive increased conversions and revenue. Explore our listings today to improve your marketing strategies and achieve better results.
Recommended Maid Pii Data
4 product results for "maid pii data"
BIGDBM US Consumer Mobile Device (MAIDs) Data
The Consumer Mobile Device file contains MAIDs connected to an individual in the Consumer Database. ... Each record is ranked by confidence and only the highest quality data is used.
7B Records
Pricing available upon request
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AGR | Digital Device ID, Geo Location, Email match to full PII, Mobile Graph Data and 20 additional data file linkage.
- Web Activity Data
- Online Search Trends
- Location Data
- Identity Data ... The data also can be appended to any client file.
100M Billion
12 months of historical data
100% Match Rate
Starts at
$250$200 / purchase
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20% Datarade discount
The Data Group: US Mobile Ad IDs (MAIDs) - Over 13 Billion MAIDs + Billions of Maid<>HEM|90% + Match Rate |Up to 10 MAIDs/Hashed Emails per match
Our robust data set of MAIDs Data + Hashed Emails (MD5, SHA1 and SHA256) will power your omnichannel ... Over 4 Billion MAIDs Data Records + Billions of Hashed Emails
- Match Rates up to 90% & Improve Existing
4B Records
10 years of historical data
90% Match Rate
Starts at
$20$18 / 1,000 Input
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10% Datarade discount
30% revenue share
The Data Group's US Automotive Data - Over 250 Million records. 90% Email and MAID Coverage. Customer Acquistion and Audience Targeting Solutions.
That's where The Data Group’s Automotive Data comes in. ... Group’s Automotive Data.
250M Records
20 years of historical data
90% Match Rate
Starts at
$20 / 1,000
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20% revenue share
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