Best Data for Geo-Conquesting

Find the best data sources for Geo-Conquesting. Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
230M Worldwide Places
100% Open Web Places Data
42 countries covered
Xverum delivers location data with high recency and accuracy, sourced globally from public sources and updated regularly every week, month, and quarter. We ...
137M buildings
250 countries covered
4 years of historical data
DRAKO's Building Footprint Data empowers businesses with detailed building insights. Utilize our extensive dataset, which includes: Building Footprints, Stor...
11 Million
5 countries covered
Building Footprint data is based on ‘polygon geofences’ that define the boundaries of buildings. It includes very detailed insights into the Building Type, N...
137M buildings
250 countries covered
4 years of historical data
DRAKO's Store Location Data empowers businesses with detailed building insights. Utilize our extensive dataset, which includes: Building Footprints, Store Lo...
5 countries covered
Building Footprint data is based on ‘polygon geofences’ that define the boundaries of buildings. It includes very detailed insights into the Building Type, N...
USA covered
Building Footprint data is based on ‘polygon geofences’ that define the boundaries of buildings. It includes very detailed insights into the Building Type, N... - Echo Analytics profile banner
Echo Analytics
Based in France
We aim to become the most reliable source of Geospatial data so companies can build profitable strategies to enhance operational efficiency. At the core of o...
POIs worldwide
Brands & Companies
Branded POIs - Xverum profile banner
Based in USA
Xverum provides clean, structured, and transformed datasets from the web.
Data Items Verified Monthly
Verified Profiles
Attributes Updated Daily - DRAKO profile banner
Based in Canada
Drako Data is your trusted partner for value-added geolocation data solutions. We enhance and simplify data extraction, enabling clients to gain insights qui...
Sourced Data
5 Years