Best Data for Systematic Trading

Find the best data sources for Systematic Trading. Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
100 crypto assets
53 countries covered
1 years of historical data
A unique real-time data stream with the quantity and content of discussions on Reddit, Twitter, and Telegram, and sentiment of these discussions for top 100 ...
USA covered
2 years of historical data
TopStonks saves investors time by summarizing the conversation on alternative stock forums, and surfacing the best signals. We have been structuring, and pre...
260K Derivative contracts including options and futures.
99% API Uptime
250 countries covered
Kaiko’s Bitcoin market data has powered the industry since 2014, offering granular data on trades, events, and contracts (L1) alongside liquidity and order b...
200M Trades and counting
100% Gapless Binance Trade History until yesterday
249 countries covered
All historic aggregates trades for the BNB-USDT pair from the Binance exchange, tick by tick until yesterday. Other trade pairs on request.
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Institutional Forex Depth of Book Trade Tape Feed And Includes; + Trade Order Flow Data + Speculative Sentiment Index Data + Volume Data
260K Derivative contracts including options and futures.
99% API Uptime
250 countries covered
Kaiko’s cryptocurrency market data has powered the industry since 2014, offering granular data on trades, events, and contracts (L1) alongside liquidity and ... - Social Market Analytics profile banner
Social Market Analytics
Based in USA
Social Market Analytics (SMA) is the leader in providing Predictive Sentiment Analytics, Reports, and Data Feeds to the worlds largest Companies and Financia... - B2Broker profile banner
Based in Russia
B2Brоkеr offers solutions for established companies to increase and optimize their workflows and help new brоkеrs to build their businesses. - OptionMetrics profile banner
Based in USA
With 25 years as the premier provider of historical options and implied volatility data, OptionMetrics distributes its options, futures, beta, and dividend f...
Institutions and Universities - Airbtics profile banner
Based in UK
We use a rigorous scientific approach to collect and process the data and validate them on a scale using qualitative research and AI.
6 Million
Airbnb Data
Countries Covered
customised regions - Kaiko profile banner
Based in France
Kaiko is the leading digital asset industry provider of market data, analytics, indices, and research, providing businesses with industrial grade and regulat...
Crypto Exchanges
Crypto Pairs
Years of History
Woodseer Global
Based in UK
Using our systematic alorithm+analyst approach since 2016 we provide accuracy at scale.
5+ years
Backtestable history
2-4 years
Forecast horizon