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Biodiversity Proximity Risk Data | Climate Risk Data | 14k+ companies | IBAT Partnership

GIST Impact has partnered with Impact with IBAT to offer clients Nature ESG Data. ... Biodiversity Proximity Risk Data covers asset and company proximity to biodiversity hotspots - both Key
Available for 240 countries
14K Listed Companies
1 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
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850K+ Weather Images | Climate AI Training Data | Machine Learning data | Object & Scene Detection | Global Coverage

A comprehensive dataset of 850K+ weather images sourced globally, featuring full EXIF data, including ... Key Features: Comprehensive Metadata: the dataset includes full EXIF data, detailing camera settings
Available for 250 countries
850K image records
10 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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CustomWeather API | Historical Weather Data | Climate Data | Hourly And Daily | 8,500 Global Weather Stations | Archived Back To The 1940s

Daily Climate Data Daily climate records go back to the late 1940s for some locations with our standard ... This climate data is sourced directly from 8,500 global weather stations.
Available for 249 countries
8.5K Global Weather Stations
100% Accurate Data
Starts at
$250 / purchase
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City Climate Data | Satellite Climate Data: Urban Planning Data | Heatwaves, Building Construction, Temperature, Heat Islands,

Latitudo 40’s City Climate Data offer satellite-derived insights for urban planning, building construction ... for urban planning, environmental monitoring, and climate resilience efforts.
Available for 250 countries
10 years of historical data
100% Global Coverage
Starts at
€2,000 / year
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Town/ City Seasonal Climate Forecasts, Re-Climate® API

The data helps adapt to extended weather hazards and manage local physical risk. ... their Data Science workload and calculate accurate likelihoods of occurrence for weather events.
Available for 3 countries
96 UK towns and cities
6 months of historical data
80% within 10th to 90th centiles
Starts at
£750 / month
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Solar Data | Solar Energy Data | Solar Radiation | 20 Years Historical Climate Data for Developing Predictive Models

data and atmosphere data, supporting various applications from renewable energy projects to climate ... coverage Wind speed (m/sec) Wind direction Air temperature This extensive dataset includes valuable climate
Available for 64 countries
20 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Corporate Climate Target ESG Data | GHG Emissions Reduction Targets | 5000+ Companies | 100% Verified | By Tracenable, the Open ESG Data Platform

Use our climate targets data for compliance advisory, climate risk assessments, and building resilience ... ’s ESG data and climate data offerings, providing a highly detailed, standardized, and comprehensive
Available for 250 countries
15K Data Points
3 years of historical data
100% Standardized
Starts at
$149 / month
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ISS ESG Climate Solutions Global (data on 25k companies and 80k securities)

Carbon and Climate Data Provides carbon and climate data on a universe of more than 25,000 companies ... Custom Climate Voting Factors Combining ISS’ extensive and unique climate data and proprietary research
Available for 240 countries
80K Securities
7 years of historical data
Starts at
$10,000 / year

Worldwide Hourly Historical Weather Data | Climate Data | Human Checked Weather Data starting in the mid 1900s

AWIS Weather Services houses, maintains, and constantly updates an extensive database full of Climate ... and Weather Data.
Available for 249 countries
20K Observation Locations
75 years of historical data
100% quality checked
Starts at
$150 / City
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OikoLab Weather: Global Climate Time-Series Data (1940 - Present, Delivered Hourly)

Hourly Climate Data from ERA5 Reanalysis, with gap-free, global coverage from 1940 to present. ... Time-series hourly weather data spatially interpolated from ERA5 reanalysis dataset (0.25 deg x 0.25
Available for 249 countries
80 years of historical data
Starts at
$0.01 / data unit (1...

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249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Caeli provides real-time satellite data about the composition of the air. The gases measured in the atmosphere are Nitrogen dioxide(NO2) | Ammonia(NH3) | Met...
3.65K Lines of Data
100% Quality Checked Observations
Brazil covered
AWIS recently produced a whole new Dataset of Daily Historical Weather Data for BRAZIL and surrounding towns. AWIS Weather Services houses, maintains, and co...
64 countries covered
20 years of historical data
Historical solar energy data for any location in the globe. Satellite observation data from ERA5 data set
20K Observation Locations
100% quality checked
249 countries covered
AWIS Weather Services houses, maintains, and constantly updates an extensive database full of Climate and Weather Data. We can offer Worldwide Historical Wea...
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Caeli provides real-time satellite data about the composition of the air. The gases measured in the atmosphere are Nitrogen dioxide(NO2) | Ammonia(NH3) | Met...
4K Companies Covered
100% Traceable
250 countries covered
Unique ESG dataset tracking the evolution of corporate climate commitments - net zero, carbon neutrality, and carbon positivity claims - with comprehensive s...
248 countries covered
Weather Source's Weather Impact Indices incorporate numerous factors such as climatology to provide a reference for the weather being above or below normal, ...
14K Listed Companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) ESG data from the 14000+ listed companies globally - covering developed, emerging and frontier markets. Covers Scope 1, Scope 2 and S...
240 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Web Application offering sustainability scores for modules on risk, impact and regulation (ESG, UN SDG, Climate, EU Taxonomy, etc.).Coverage extends for 30k ...
249 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Get bulk historical micro-pollen datasets from the Gspatial platform with one click. The pollen data comes with different types of pollen such as tree, grass...
14K Listed Companies
249 countries covered
7 years of historical data
GIST Impact’s Biodiversity Footprint ESG Data calculates the potential “species extinction risk” posed by a company’s direct operations on nature and biodive...
250 countries covered
Weather data powered by Get easy access to highly accurate weather and climate data for any place in the world – historical, current and forecast...
100% Global Coverage
250 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Latitudo 40's Climate Data provides satellite-derived insights for urban planning, sustainable construction, and environmental monitoring. Covering carbon st...
850K image records
250 countries covered
10 years of historical data
A comprehensive dataset of 850K+ weather images sourced globally, featuring full EXIF data, including camera settings and photography details. Enriched with ...
4K Companies Covered
100% Traceable
250 countries covered
Unique ESG dataset tracking the evolution of corporate climate commitments - net zero, carbon neutrality, and carbon positivity claims - with comprehensive s...
15K Data Points
100% Standardized
250 countries covered
ESG dataset capturing global corporate commitments to reducing GHG emissions. It includes both absolute and intensity-based reduction targets. Exceptionally ...
100% Global Coverage
250 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Latitudo 40's City Climate Data offer satellite-derived insights for urban planning, building construction, and environmental monitoring. It includes layers ...
100% Global Coverage
250 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Latitudo 40's Greenery and Forestry Data deliver satellite-derived insights for monitoring vegetation, forest cover, carbon storage, and urban green spaces. ...

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