Best Credit Default Swap (CDS) Datasets & Databases
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3 Results
Global Credit Default Swap (CDS) Data | 2000+ Reference Entities | Bond Credit Rating | Fixed Income Data
The Credit Default Swap Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent CDS spread curves ... The Credit Default Swap Data Service supplies 5 & 10-year spreads for over 2000 reference entities, together
Available for 53 countries
10 years of historical data
Starts at
$5,000 / year
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EDI Swaption Volatility Data | Credit Default Swaps (CDS) Data | Interest Rate Volatility Data for Valuations, Portfolio Analytics & Risk Management
200 basis point increments
Standard option tenors, typically from 1 month to 30 years
Standard swap ... data for valuations, portfolio analytics and risk management calculations.
Available for 41 countries
Starts at
$5,000 / purchase
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FinPricing Credit Spread Curve Data API - USA, Europe, Canada
Credit spread impacts discounting, default probability, and early termination. ... Credit spread is the credit funding cost for a firm.
Available for 55 countries
100K records
1 years of historical data
100% market quotes
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
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More Credit Default Swap (CDS) Data Products
Discover related credit default swap (cds) data products.
53 countries covered
10 years of historical data
The Credit Default Swap Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent CDS spread curves for valuations, portfolio analytics and risk manag...
41 countries covered
Swaption Volatility Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent interest rate volatility data for valuations, portfolio analytics and ri...
100K records
100% market quotes
55 countries covered
Credit spread is the credit funding cost for a firm. For many products, credit spread is the major risk driver. Credit spread impacts discounting, default pr...
100K records
100% market quotes
55 countries covered
Credit spread is the credit funding cost for a firm. For many products, credit spread is the major risk driver. Credit spread impacts discounting, default pr...
41 countries covered
Swaption Volatility Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent interest rate volatility data for valuations, portfolio analytics and ri...
53 countries covered
10 years of historical data
The Credit Default Swap Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent CDS spread curves for valuations, portfolio analytics and risk manag...