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Satellite Electric Vehicle Dataset (TESLA,LUCID, RIVIAN

The EV data help you to estimate the performance of the EV sector and the business activity of the selected ... capture activity in electric vehicles and automotive factories.
Available for 2 countries
6 years of historical data
Starts at
$30,000$27,000 / year
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10% revenue share

Think Data Group | US Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Data | 6.5K+ Locations | Consumer Device ID | Dual Opt-In | Updated Daily | Fully Compliant

Station usage and overall Electric Vehicle (EV) Data, without jeopardizing user privacy. ... Our Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station dataset seamlessly fits into our broader data offering by
Available for 2 countries
6.5K Charging Station Locations
42 years of historical data
Starts at
$5,000 / month
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Grepsr | EV Charging Stations - Point of Interest (POI Data) | Global Coverage with Custom and On demand datasets

by Grepsr
Our comprehensive dataset features Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations extracted from Google Maps ... Route Planning and Navigation Services: App developers can integrate EV Charging Station data into navigation
Available for 249 countries
100 Different attributes/columns
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More Electric Vehicle (EV) Manufacturer Data Products

Discover related electric vehicle (ev) manufacturer data products.
100 Different attributes/columns
100% Match Rate
249 countries covered
Our comprehensive dataset features Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations extracted from Google Maps. This invaluable resource aids navigation, market analy...
2 countries covered
6 years of historical data
TESLA indices for product, logistics & employee parking for Fremont, Nevada, Shanghai, Texas, Berlin, and Global level Rivian for employee parking, logistic...
6.5K Charging Station Locations
2 countries covered
42 years of historical data
M1 Data' Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Data captures mobile devices at charging stations. Designed to pinpoint custom audiences and plan future EV stati...
100 Different attributes/columns
100% Match Rate
249 countries covered
Our comprehensive dataset features Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations extracted from Google Maps. This invaluable resource aids navigation, market analy...
6.5K Charging Station Locations
2 countries covered
42 years of historical data
M1 Data' Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Data captures mobile devices at charging stations. Designed to pinpoint custom audiences and plan future EV stati...
2 countries covered
6 years of historical data
TESLA indices for product, logistics & employee parking for Fremont, Nevada, Shanghai, Texas, Berlin, and Global level Rivian for employee parking, logistic...