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POI Data | 230M+ Business Locations, Geographic & Places Insights

by Xverum
location data, geographic insights, and mapping intelligence. ... Comprehensive Geographic & Business Data – Coordinates, industry classifications & category insights.
Available for 249 countries
230M Worldwide Places
Starts at
$2,000$1,800 / month
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10% Datarade discount

SafeGraph Geographic Data | Global Coverage | 52M+ Places

This high-quality data also includes open and close dates, category tags, and the Placekey universal ... SafeGraph Places is a point of interest (POI) data offering with varying coverage depending on the country
Available for 3 countries
11M POI (Points of Interest)
3 years of historical data
Starts at
$0.10 / purchase
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The Data Appeal | Geographic Data | API, Dataset | 251M POI Data Mapped | Coverage from 2019

Elevate your data experience with our Geographic Data! ... Get in touch with our experts for Geographic Data and Location Data solutions.
Available for 249 countries
320 Billion Pieces of Online Content Analyzed Each Day
4 years of historical data
80% match rate
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Location Data | Darden Restaurants in US | Accurate Geographic Coverage | Point of Interest Data

by Xtract
Point of Interest (POI) data, also known as places data, provides the exact location of buildings, stores ... in multiple file formats Unlock the Power of POI Data With our point-of-interest data, you can: -Perform
Available for 1 countries
2.11K Locations
12 months of historical data
95% Coverage
Starts at
$79 / purchase
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Geographic Data | Weather Forecast Data for Europe | Location-Based Weather Data

The inclusion of precipitation data and wind data ensures comprehensive coverage of all critical weather ... With this dataset you can use weather forecast data to help predict how weather affects your business
Available for 51 countries
24 hours daily
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Geospatial Data | Geographic data | Global Zip Code Database | Geocoded | Weekly Updated

All geospatial data is updated weekly to maintain the highest data quality, including challenging countries ... A truly global location dataset containing geospatial data such as zip codes, cities, and administrative
Available for 247 countries
66 K rows updated per week
99% Match Rate
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
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Canadian Geographic Conversation Data | Mapping | Enhanced Postal Code Conversation File

Code Conversion File (ePCCF) provides a link between the six-digit postal code and standard census geographic ... a half-dozen rural communities, our Enhanced PCCF uses a combination of place name and postal code data
Available for 1 countries
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Yearly License
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US National Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Data | Current Market Values | Home Sale Prices, Market Trends, and Geographic Data

AVM data includes sales prices, property characteristics, market trends, and geographic information, ... AVMs integrate vast amounts of data, including sales prices, market trends, and geographic information
Available for 1 countries
99% Coverage
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Mapping Resources: HERE Maps Geographic Information Systems Data

, 2D snapshot of the world with location technology that provides context and relevance to your map data ... Build your own tailored interactive map with road segments, addresses, cartographic data and administrative
Available for 227 countries
5 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request

PREDIK Data-Driven I Geographic Data I USA I Address Data I +50 million US addresses I Retail & Industrial Locations

Ideal to fuel machine learning models based on geographic attributes. ... Visitation data: Visitation data for every address in the US.
Available for 1 countries
50M addresses
5 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Yearly License

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More Geographic Data Products

Discover related geographic data products.
82 Million
14 countries covered
Discover our European Places dataset featuring POIs across retail, food, services, financial services and more. Detailed attributes like address and opening ...
29.5M Premises
100% UK Coverage
UK covered
Postcode-level broadband technology availability data covering DSL, GFAST, FTTC, FTTP, Cable. Full UK coverage at postcode level. Updated monthly and includi...
214M Total Daily Pings
90% Vertical Accuracy
194 countries covered
We provide high precision human mobility data collected from location aware partner mobile apps from outside US locations, which includes attributes such as ...
66 K rows updated per week
99% match rate
247 countries covered
A truly global location dataset containing geospatial data such as zip codes, cities, addresses, and administrative divisions for address validation, supply ...
140 Different attributes/columns
100% Match Rate
249 countries covered
The Point of Interest (POI Data) includes details of businesses, landmarks (e.g., restaurants, hospitals, EV charging stations, grocery stores, supermarkets,...
16 Land Area
Netherlands covered
Square-Kilometre-Level Broadband ISP Availability Data for Netherlands. Covering 10 ISPs across most urban areas. Updated bi-annually. All data is geo-located.
10M Records and livetracking
100% Accuracy
249 countries covered
With the GateHouse Maritime AIS tracking system you get more than just a display system showing ships’ position in real-time. You get more than 20 years expe...
214M Total Daily Pings
90% Vertical Accuracy
194 countries covered
We provide high precision human mobility data collected from location aware partner mobile apps from outside US locations, which includes attributes such as ...
400 Million Average Monthly Users
4 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Explore Echo's detailed Activity datasets on footfall, unique visitors, and visit patterns around global POIs. GDPR-compliant and non-PII, our high-quality d...
235 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Data to identify and understand consumer behavior patterns and trends with Foot traffic and anonymized and aggregated mobility data.
2.11K Locations
95% Coverage
USA covered
Comprehensive POI data for Darden Restaurants brands, including Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, and more across US and Canada. Enables in-depth analysis o...
320 Billion Pieces of Online Content Analyzed Each Day
80% match rate
249 countries covered
Reach out to the experts for Geographic Data, Point of Interest (POI) Data, and GIS Data. Unlock unparalleled insights with our Location Data. Explore Map Da...
Canada covered
The Enhanced Postal Code Conversion File (ePCCF) provides a link between the six-digit postal code and standard census geographic areas, as well as a latit...
Canada covered
HouseholdSpend provides current estimates of annual expenditures for over 430 variables, spanning 18 categories of goods and services used by Canadian househ...
230M POIs worldwide
250 countries covered
Xverum’s Location Data covers 230M+ global business & POI locations across 5000 categories, providing geographic insights, business metadata & mapping detail...
230M POIs worldwide
250 countries covered
Xverum’s Point of Interest (POI) Data covers 230M+ locations across 5000 categories, with regular updates & continuous discovery. Delivered in bulk via S3/cl...
99% Coverage
USA covered
Our Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Data is a service that uses mathematical modeling to determine current market values. AVM data includes sales prices, pro...
99% Coverage
USA covered
Our Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Data is a service that uses mathematical modeling to determine current market values. AVM data includes sales prices, pro...

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