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18 Results

Historical Crypto Data | Crypto Market History | +10 years of Crypto data | Trades, OHLCV and Order Books | Crypto Investor Data

by CoinAPI
Market Coverage & Data Types: Real-time and historical data since 2010 (for chosen assets) Full ... CoinAPI offers over 10 years of historical cryptocurrency data, covering trades, OHLCV, and order books
REST API Streaming API
Available for 250 countries
350 Exchanges
14 years of historical data
99.9% API Uptime
Starts at
$1 / purchase
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Finage Real-Time & Historical Cryptocurrency Market Feed - Global Cryptocurrency Data

by Finage
Also, we offer you a 7-year historical data API. ... Cryptocurrencies Finage offers you more than 1700+ cryptocurrency data in real time.
REST API Streaming API
Available for 147 countries
1.5K Symbols
7 years of historical data
100% Uptime
Starts at
$399 / month
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Cryptocurrency Data - Kaiko Market Data. Cefi & DeFi | Market Prices | Trade Volumes | Historical / Real-Time Pricing | Liquidity.

by Kaiko
Our Market Data covers historical and real-time data. ... A UI-free approach to crypto data We recognize the importance of flexibility when it comes to crypto
REST API Streaming API
Available for 250 countries
260K Derivative contracts including options and futures.
10 years of historical data
99% API Uptime
Available Pricing:
Monthly License
Yearly License
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20% revenue share

Crypto Market Indices | VWAP & PRIMKT Indices Data | Real-Time & Historical Crypto Index

by CoinAPI
Both real-time and historical crypto index data are available, giving you the complete picture of market ... Market Coverage & Data Types: Real-time and historical data since 2010 (for chosen assets) Market
REST API Streaming API
Available for 250 countries
350 Exchanges
14 years of historical data
99.9% API Uptime
Starts at
$1 / purchase
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Crypto Perpetual Data | Crypto Derivatives Data - Real-Time & Historical Coverage Across CEX & DEX

by CoinAPI
CoinAPI delivers comprehensive Crypto Derivatives Data, including Crypto Perpetual Data across exchanges ... Market Coverage & Data Types: Real-time and historical data since 2010 (for chosen assets) Full
REST API Streaming API
Available for 250 countries
350 Exchanges
14 years of historical data
99.9% API Uptime
Starts at
$1 / purchase
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Crypto Quotes: Real-Time & Historical CEX/DEX Data | Crypto Data | Bid Price | Ask Price

by CoinAPI
CoinAPI offers digital asset data with crypto quotes from both CEX and DEX sources. ... Market Coverage & Data Types: Real-time and historical data since 2010 (for chosen assets) Full
REST API Streaming API
Available for 250 countries
350 Exchanges
14 years of historical data
99.9% API Uptime
Starts at
$1 / purchase
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Crypto Futures & Derivatives | Real-Time & Historical Crypto Futures Data from Global Exchanges | Rest API, WebSocket, FIX

by CoinAPI
Access real-time and historical crypto futures data from global exchanges through CoinAPI. ... CoinAPI gives you comprehensive crypto futures data and derivatives data from exchanges around the world
REST API Streaming API
Available for 250 countries
350 Exchanges
14 years of historical data
99.9% API Uptime
Starts at
$1 / purchase
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Standardized Historical Crypto Data for Academic Research via Flat Files

by CoinAPI
📊 Market Coverage & Data Types: ◦ Real-time and historical data since 2010 (for chosen assets) ◦ Full ... assistance CoinAPI serves hundreds of institutions worldwide with over 10 years of historical data
REST API Streaming API
Available for 250 countries
18K Assets supported
14 years of historical data
99.9% API Uptime
Starts at
$1 / purchase
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Crypto Options Data & Derivatives | Real-Time & Historical Cryptocurrency Market Data

by CoinAPI
Access real-time and historical crypto market data to analyze volatility, pricing trends, and open interest ... Market Coverage & Data Types: Real-time and historical data since 2010 (for chosen assets) Full
REST API Streaming API
Available for 250 countries
350 Exchanges
14 years of historical data
99.9% API Uptime
Starts at
$1 / purchase
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Currency Data: Real-Time & Historical Market Data from 350+ Crypto Exchanges

by CoinAPI
CoinAPI delivers comprehensive Currency Data from 350+ crypto exchanges worldwide. ... Market Coverage & Data Types: Full Cryptocurrency Data Real-time and historical data since 2010
REST API Streaming API
Available for 250 countries
350 Exchanges
14 years of historical data
99.9% API Uptime
Starts at
$1 / purchase
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More Historical Crypto Data Products

Discover related historical crypto data products.
1.5K Symbols
100% Uptime
147 countries covered
With Finage, you can build great cryptocurrency applications. We offer you more than 1700+ cryptocurrencies. Finage has the most popular cryptocurrencies in ...
350 Exchanges
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI delivers institutional-grade crypto trade data from 350+ centralized and decentralized exchanges. Access detailed trade-by-trade information in real-...
350 Exchanges
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI delivers comprehensive crypto OHLCV & trade data with candlestick information across multiple timeframes. Access real-time and historical candlestick...
260K Derivative contracts including options and futures.
99% API Uptime
250 countries covered
Kaiko’s cryptocurrency market data has powered the industry since 2014, offering granular data on trades, events, and contracts (L1) alongside liquidity and ...
350 Exchanges
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI delivers complete crypto market data with full price history and trading volumes. Access in-depth analytics and historical insights through simple ex...
350 Exchanges
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI offers over 10 years of historical cryptocurrency data, covering trades, OHLCV, and order books for in-depth market analysis. Access comprehensive cr...
350 Exchanges
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI delivers comprehensive crypto OHLCV & trade data with candlestick information across multiple timeframes. Access real-time and historical candlestick...
350 Exchanges
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
Access real-time and historical crypto futures data from global exchanges through CoinAPI. Our comprehensive derivatives coverage includes futures contracts ...
350 Exchanges
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI delivers Crypto Options Data and derivatives information from major exchanges. Access real-time and historical crypto market data to analyze volatili...
350 Exchanges
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI delivers comprehensive Crypto Derivatives Data, including Crypto Perpetual Data across exchanges. Access real-time and historical insights on rates, ...
1.5K Symbols
100% Uptime
147 countries covered
With Finage, you can build great cryptocurrency applications. We offer you more than 1700+ cryptocurrencies. Finage has the most popular cryptocurrencies in ...
260K Derivative contracts including options and futures.
99% API Uptime
250 countries covered
Kaiko’s cryptocurrency market data has powered the industry since 2014, offering granular data on trades, events, and contracts (L1) alongside liquidity and ...
350 Exchanges
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI delivers comprehensive Currency Data from 350+ crypto exchanges worldwide. Access both real-time and historical market data with precise timestamps a...
18K Assets supported
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI provides comprehensive Alternative Data on cryptocurrencies from 350+ CEX & DEX exchanges. Access normalized Bitcoin price data, Ethereum, and digita...
18K Assets supported
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
Access over 10 years of market history from 350+ exchanges through CoinAPI. Get comprehensive quotes, trades, and order book data delivered via flexible API ...
18K Assets supported
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
CoinAPI delivers institutional-grade Historical Crypto Data for backtesting and analysis. Our cryptocurrency archive powers research across Bitcoin, Ethereum...
18K Assets supported
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
Cryptocurrency investor data from 350+ exchanges, including Uniswap V3, Sushiswap and other major DEXs. Access real-time and historical DEX data with order b...
18K Assets supported
99.9% API Uptime
250 countries covered
Access cryptocurrency market data, including Bitcoin price data, Ethereum and digital assets from both CEX & DEX exchanges. We deliver normalized crypto data...