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23 Results
Swap Curves OTC-Data Global - for valuations, portfolio analytics and risk management
Yield curve data is available on an intraday or end-of-day basis. ... The Swap Curve Data Service supplies daily yield curves for various global currencies.
Available for 49 countries
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
Customized Data for At-Home Medical Diagnostics, OTC, and Telemedicine Based Wellness Product Purchases
Aggregated consumer data for At-Home Medical Diagnostics, OTC, and Telemedicine Based Wellness Purchases ... Our data repository of at-home medical diagnostics, OTC, and telemedicine based wellness product purchases
Available for 1 countries
0 Records
18 months of historical data
80% Observable Purchases
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
Global Bond Pricing Data | Fixed Income Data | Delayed Market Data |420 pricing sources
OTC aggregated prices
Delayed market data
Historical prices from 2015
Types of instruments: sovereign ... More than 420 pricing sources, including Stock Exchanges and OTC market.
Available for 250 countries
420 pricing sources
10 years of historical data
Starts at
$450$405 / month
Free sample preview
10% Datarade discount
15% revenue share
Evaluated Fixed Income Pricing Service | Bond Pricing | OTC | 2 million global securities data | delivered daily
EDI provides both evaluated and exchange listed fixed-income prices data. ...
Available for 65 countries
2M securities
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
Global Credit Default Swap (CDS) Data | 2000+ Reference Entities | Bond Credit Rating | Fixed Income Data
The Credit Default Swap Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent CDS spread curves ... The Credit Default Swap Data Service supplies 5 & 10-year spreads for over 2000 reference entities, together
Available for 53 countries
10 years of historical data
Starts at
$5,000 / year
Free sample preview
Tick Historical Forex Data (£240 a year per currency pair)
Our historical tick data gives a trusted and non-skewed dataset. ... Our Forex Tick data starts from September 2016, and includes bid, ask and timestamp in milliseconds.
Available for 72 countries
Pricing available upon request
Swaption Volatility Data | Credit Default Swaps (CDS) Data | Interest Rate Volatility Data for Valuations, Portfolio Analytics & Risk Management
data for valuations, portfolio analytics and risk management calculations. ... Swaption Volatility Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent interest rate volatility
Available for 41 countries
Starts at
$5,000 / purchase
Free sample preview
FinPricing FX Forward Points (Spreads) Data - Forex Data (Global)
An FX forward rate is quoted as FX forward spread, the number of basis points (called DP in FX convention), against the current FX spot rate for a future delivery date.
Available for 227 countries
1.8M records
5 years of historical data
100% market quotes
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
Hourly fx-spot_EUR_USD CloseMid data from 1999
Olsen Data
closing data is generated. ... The data is available directly online on this platform.
Available for 16 countries
1 Currency Pair
22 years of historical data
99.99% After applying Olsen Filter Technology
Pricing available upon request
OHLC Minute Historical Forex Data (£120 a year per currency pair)
Our historical minute data gives a trusted and non-skewed dataset. ... Our Forex OHLC minute data starts from September 2013, and includes bid, ask and timestamp in milliseconds
Available for 72 countries
Pricing available upon request
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41 countries covered
Swaption Volatility Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent interest rate volatility data for valuations, portfolio analytics and ri...
53 countries covered
10 years of historical data
The Credit Default Swap Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent CDS spread curves for valuations, portfolio analytics and risk manag...
30 Currencies
54 countries covered
5 years of historical data
The Forex Option Volatility Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent FX volatility data for valuations, portfolio analytics and risk ...
420 pricing sources
250 countries covered
10 years of historical data
- EOD bond pricing data (420 trading floors)
- Calculated metrics (yields, duration, spreads, ACI, etc.)
- OTC aggregated prices
- Delayed market data
- ...
53 countries covered
10 years of historical data
The Credit Default Swap Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent CDS spread curves for valuations, portfolio analytics and risk manag...
65K updates per day per currency pair
249 countries covered
TraderMade's live streaming Forex pricing gives you a trusted and non-skewed data set which is perfect for price verification, back-testing trading strategie...
65K updates per day per currency pair
249 countries covered
TraderMade's live streaming pricing gives you a trusted and non-skewed data set which is perfect for price verification, back-testing trading strategies & ar...
1.8M records
100% market quotes
227 countries covered
An FX forward rate is quoted as FX forward spread, the number of basis points (called DP in FX convention), against the current FX spot rate for a future del...
1.8M records
100% accurate
112 countries covered
Provide benchmark LIBOR yield curves for discounting and forecasting, including discount curves and index forecast curves.
49 countries covered
The Swap Curve Data Service provides clients with a daily source of independent zero-coupon, swap-implied yield curves for valuations, portfolio analytics an...
72 countries covered
Our Forex OHLC minute data starts from September 2013, and includes bid, ask and timestamp in milliseconds. Our historical minute data gives a trusted and no...
72 countries covered
Our Forex Tick data starts from September 2016, and includes bid, ask and timestamp in milliseconds. Our historical tick data gives a trusted and non-skewed ...
15 Terabits
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Cryptoquote Analytics APIs, Widgets and Web Apps add actionable data to your website, exchange or software
Modules Include:
Chart pattern recognition
1 Currency Pair
99.99% After applying Olsen Filter Technology
2 countries covered
Type: Fx-spot
Interval: 60 Min
Field: CloseMid [=(CloseBid+CloseAsk)/2]
Period: 1999 onwards
1 Currency Pair
99.99% After applying Olsen Filter Technology
2 countries covered
Type: Fx-spot
Interval: 60 Min
Field: CloseMid [=(CloseBid+CloseAsk)/2]
Period: 1999 onwards
420 pricing sources
250 countries covered
10 years of historical data
- EOD bond pricing data (420 trading floors)
- Calculated metrics (yields, duration, spreads, ACI, etc.)
- OTC aggregated prices
- Delayed market data
- ...