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1 Result
Road Closures and Incidents warnings - India
Trusted partners report road closures,
accidents, and other potential traffic disruptions using our ... Trusted partners report road closures,
accidents, and other potential traffic disruptions using our
Available for 1 countries
5K records
80% coverage
Pricing available upon request
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50 Million Miles of Video Data
4 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Leverage our anonymized vision data set of do not enter signs captured using the Driver dash cam app. Enhance urban planning or train an object detection mod...
50 Million Miles of Video Data
4 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Leverage our anonymized Near Accident dataset captured using the Driver dash cam app. Perfect for optimizing driver behavior analysis, and improving risk ass...
50 Million Miles of Video Data
4 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Leverage our anonymized vision data set of cars captured using the Driver dash cam app. Enhance urban planning or train an objection detection model, and gai...
50 Million Miles of Video Data
4 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Leverage our anonymized vision data set of yellow traffic lights captured using the Driver dash cam app. Enhance urban planning or train an object detection ...
50 Million Miles of Telematics Data
4 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Leverage our anonymized hard acceleration dataset captured using the Driver dash cam app. Perfect for optimizing driver behavior analysis, and improving risk...
700M LinkedIn Profiles
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
Access Contact and Company Data with Transport and Logistics data for logistics companies worldwide. Verified profiles include business locations, leadership...