Best Weather Forecast Datasets & Databases
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40 Results
CustomWeather API | Severe Weather Data | Global Severe Weather Advisories For 85,000 Weather Forecast Locations | Storm Data
This storm data covers all of CustomWeather’s 85,000 weather forecast locations. ... This severe weather data represents a part of CustomWeather’s trove of historical, real-time, and forecast
Available for 249 countries
85K locations in the CustomWeather database
100% highest possible accuracy
Starts at
$50 / purchase
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Weather Source: OnPoint Weather Forecast Ensembles - Potential Variances of Each Forecast
For each forecast run, Weather Source processes all of the forecast ensemble members (31 for GFS and ... All GFS and ECMWF forecast ensemble members (31 for GFS and 51 for ECMWF) in hourly format.
Available for 248 countries
Available Pricing:
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Yearly License
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Global Weather Data | Historical, Current & Forecast Weather and Climate Data | Weather Forecast API | Real-Time Weather Data
Weather data powered by Get easy access to highly accurate weather and climate data for any ... Our weather API provides you easy access to our latest NowCast, NearCast, ForeCast products.
Available for 250 countries
Available Pricing:
Monthly License
meteoblue weather API - Highest precision weather forecast and history data
learning algorithms
Improve your project management based on weather maps, images and raw data for ... Gapless hourly weather data from 1979 and up to 14 days ahead for any location worldwide
Highest accuracy
Available for 249 countries
288 updates / day
Pricing available upon request
Worldwide Hourly Weather Forecast Data | Location Specific Forecast Values | By City, State, or Country
Pricing for our Hourly Weather Forecast data is fully dependent upon your needs. ... Data and Localized Human Weather Forecasts.
Available for 249 countries
30K forecast points
5 days of historical data
100% Quality Checked by humans
Starts at
$250 / purchase
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Global Weather Data | Weather Data API | Historical Weather Data | Real-Time Weather Data | Free Data Sample Available
Tags: Lightning Data, Climate Data, Wind Data, Rainfall Data, Temperature Data, Weather Forecast Data ... Weather Forecast Data: Leverage our advanced forecasting models to anticipate future weather conditions
Available for 63 countries
100M Weather Data Records Available
10 years of historical data
99.99% Accuracy in Weather Data
Pricing available upon request
Meteomaticsm Historic and future weather forecast data - up to two years ahead (locally and regionally)
Meteomatics API delivers fast, direct, simple access to weather data, thanks to its powerful proprietary ... query despite the size of the weather data ingested, thereby offering users a very flexible, agile and
Available for 240 countries
41 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
CustomWeather API | Weather Forecasts | Hourly And Daily | 85,000 Global Weather Forecast Points | Forecasts Archived Back To 2012
The Weather Forecast data is archived back to 2012. ... This Weather Forecast data is part of CustomWeather’s comprehensive data offerings, covering the entire
Available for 249 countries
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
Pricing available upon request
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Weather Source: Dynamic Elevation Adjusted Forecast
data feature. ... The result is best in class weather data accuracy at a hyper-local scale.
Available for 248 countries
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Geographic Data | Weather Forecast Data for Europe | Location-Based Weather Data
by’s Weather Forecast Data for Europe includes the actual weather forecast for the next 3 days ... With this dataset you can use weather forecast data to help predict how weather affects your business
Available for 51 countries
24 hours daily
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Discover related weather forecast data products.
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
249 countries covered
CustomWeather runs a proven forecast model, the CustomWeather 100. The model is so-named as it is run at 100-m horizontal resolution. The CW100 delivers ho...
248 countries covered
ECMWF Extended Forecast provides a sub-seasonal forecast with a daily forecast view going out up to 46 days. The forecast is refreshed daily.
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
24 hours daily
51 countries covered
With this dataset you can use weather forecast data to help predict how weather affects your business decisions. You can enrich and improve your website, you...
248 countries covered
Weather Source's Weather Impact Indices incorporate numerous factors such as climatology to provide a reference for the weather being above or below normal, ...
248 countries covered
Weather Source's Weather Impact Indices incorporate numerous factors such as climatology to provide a reference for the weather being above or below normal, ...
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
249 countries covered
CustomWeather runs a proven forecast model, the CustomWeather 100. The model is so-named as it is run at 100-m horizontal resolution. The CW100 delivers ho...
248 countries covered
Weather Source provides historical GFS forecast data in hourly and daily format.
6 countries covered
With this dataset you can use pollen forecast indices of over 35 types of pollen to help predict how these pollen may affect your customers health, your busi...
1.7K records
108 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Free sample dataset containing unscheduled event data for a 30-day historical period for the state of Texas. Includes severe weather, natural disasters, airp...
250 countries covered
Weather data powered by Get easy access to highly accurate weather and climate data for any place in the world – historical, current and forecast...
250 countries covered
85 years of historical data
To order customized global daily weather data please visit
250 countries covered
Weather data powered by Get easy access to highly accurate weather and climate data for any place in the world – historical, current and forecast...
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
249 countries covered
Gaia Retail™ delivers actionable weather and climate insights, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions to mitigate climate risks and leverage gro...