Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada) product image in hero

Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada)

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production data
Mont belvieu/ Conway 140 price
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.csv and .xls

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production data
10 mmcfd
Mont belvieu/ Conway 140 price


An annual statistical study publication providing over 37 years of production data for all NGL facilities including gas processing plants, refineries, and fractionators from our proprietary gas-liquids database.
This market report is a series of statistical tables providing a detailed analysis of the current and prior year's natural gas volumes, 10 years’ summary production tables by region, by plant type, by specification type. Key Benefits: -supports 10 years’ production profile charts by region(state/province), by specification products. -supports supply-side econometric modeling -encrypted and secure access. -customized reports available to meet client-specific market intelligence needs. -consulting services are available to support your market analytic needs. Includes: -natural gas and natural-gas-liquids industry production data for the US and Canada. -detailed fractionator statistical analysis of specification products by region(state/province). -10 year statistical summary tables, by region(state/province), by specification product. -gas-liquids production by product analyzed by US state and province with totals for both gas producing plants, fractionators and refineries. -for each state and province an analysis of the prior year's liquids production by product for gas processing plants, refineries and fractionators of external NGL mix. -ranking of the key industry players/largest plants by liquids output for the US and Canada with prior years’ liquid production. -8 year summary average NGL US spot price data and analysis at Mont Belvieu and District 140. Monthly, weekly and pricing differential provided.


North America (2)
United States of America


10 years of historical data


Free sample available
10% discount if you buy via Datarade
Revenue share is available at 20%
License Starts at
One-off purchase
$3,999$3,599.10 / purchase
Monthly License Not available
Yearly License Available
Usage-based Not available

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business



Use Cases

Project Valuation
Economic Analysis
Price Optimization
Price Analysis


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Frequently asked questions

What is Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada)?

An annual statistical study publication providing over 37 years of production data for all NGL facilities including gas processing plants, refineries, and fractionators from our proprietary gas-liquids database.

What is Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada) used for?

This product has 4 key use cases. Sulpetro recommends using the data for Project Valuation, Economic Analysis, Price Optimization, and Price Analysis. Global businesses and organizations buy Oil & Gas Data from Sulpetro to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada)?

This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for Oil & Gas Data. Get in touch with Sulpetro to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada) go?

This Tabular Data has 10 years of historical coverage. It can be delivered on a yearly basis.

Which countries does Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada) cover?

This product includes data covering 2 countries like USA and Canada. Sulpetro is headquartered in Canada.

How much does Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada) cost?

Pricing for Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada) starts at USD3,999 per purchase. Sulpetro offers a 10% discount when you buy data from them through Datarade. Connect with Sulpetro to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

How can I get Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada)?

Businesses can buy Oil & Gas Data from Sulpetro and get the data via Email. Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, Sulpetro can deliver this product in .csv and .xls format.

What is the data quality of Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada)?

You can compare and assess the data quality of Sulpetro using Datarade’s data marketplace. Sulpetro appears on selected Datarade top lists ranking the best data providers, including Who’s New on Datarade? .

What are similar products to Sulpetro Natural-Gas-Liquids Statistical Yearbook - NGL Production Data (USA & Canada)?

This Tabular Data has 3 related products. These alternatives include B2B Marketing Data B2B Leads Data 500M+ Records Decision Makers, Executives, CEO, MD 20+ Attributes, Direct E-mail & Phone, B2B Continuum from Solution Publishing 6M Canadian B2B Professional Contact Data Set Canada B2B Contact Data Safe to Email, and B2B data Canada 3 Million Canadese companies delivered in Excel GDPR proof & up-to-date. You can compare the best Oil & Gas Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Starts at
$3,999$3,599.10 / purchase
License Starts at
One-off purchase
$3,999$3,599.10 / purchase
Monthly License Not available
Yearly License Available
Usage-based Not available