PG | Sales Data | 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume | Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics product image in hero

PG | Sales Data | 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume | Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics

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.csv and .xls

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Our Sales Data covers 128,000 users, 105 million transactions, and a monthly volume of $742 million. It provides comprehensive insights into transaction amounts, merchant details, and categories, along with demographic information. Ideal for Spending Analytics and Sales Analysis.
What makes our data unique? Our Sales Data spans 9 years and includes 105 million transactions from 128k users, delivering unmatched depth and accuracy. With detailed transaction information and demographic insights, businesses can uncover consumer behavior patterns, predict spending trends, and carry out precise identity verification. How is our Sales Data collected? Users securely link their bank accounts to our platform, allowing us to aggregate all their Ecommerce Data through integrations with Finicity and Plaid. Key Features of Sales Data: - Transaction Information: Includes transaction date, amount, merchant details, product types, and whether the transaction is recurring. - User-Specific Data: Covers user location (country, city, state, zip code) and spending behavior, reflected in Online Purchase Data and Ecommerce Purchases Data. - Demographic Information: Attributes such as gender, birth year, marital status, employment status, and credit score, providing valuable insights through Ecommerce Data. Primary Applications of Sales Data: - Ecommerce Analysis: Use Online Purchase Data to track consumer buying behavior, seasonal purchase trends, and product preferences, helping businesses refine marketing and inventory strategies. - Purchase Intelligence: Leverage Ecommerce Purchases Data to understand customer preferences for digital purchases and adjust e-commerce offerings accordingly. - Spending Analytics: Analyze Ecommerce Data to identify patterns in consumer spending on products, helping brands target promotions and optimize pricing strategies. - Ecommerce Product Forecasting: Utilize Ecommerce Product Data to predict demand for products, monitor category trends, and understand consumer preferences in various ecommerce segments. - Targeted Marketing: Combine insights from Online Purchase Data, Ecommerce Purchases Data, and Ecommerce Product Data to develop personalized campaigns that match consumer buying habits. - Customer Segmentation: Integrate demographic information with Online Purchase Data to enhance segmentation strategies, allowing businesses to group customers based on shopping behavior, location, and product preferences. - Expense Monitoring & Budgeting Tools: Help consumers track their spending with personalized tools and recommendations by analyzing their Ecommerce Data, offering suggestions on savings and budgeting. - Product Offering Optimization: Use Ecommerce Product Data to tailor product offerings to align with consumer preferences and purchasing behavior, creating targeted promotions. - Fraud Detection & Identity Verification: Analyze Ecommerce Purchases Data and Online Purchase Data for identity verification and to detect fraudulent activity through patterns in unusual purchases.

Country Coverage

North America (2)
United States of America


9 years of historical data


128,000 users
7.9 million merhcants
742 million monthly volume
105 million transactions


Free sample available
PG has not published pricing information for this product yet. You can request detailed pricing information below.

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business


S3 Bucket

Use Cases

Purchase Intelligence
Spending Analytics
purchase behavior analytics
Ecommerce Analysis
Sales Analysis


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Frequently asked questions

What is PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics?

Our Sales Data covers 128,000 users, 105 million transactions, and a monthly volume of $742 million. It provides comprehensive insights into transaction amounts, merchant details, and categories, along with demographic information. Ideal for Spending Analytics and Sales Analysis.

What is PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics used for?

This product has 5 key use cases. PG recommends using the data for Purchase Intelligence, Spending Analytics, purchase behavior analytics, Ecommerce Analysis, and Sales Analysis. Global businesses and organizations buy Ecommerce Data from PG to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics?

This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for Ecommerce Data. Get in touch with PG to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics go?

This Tabular Data has 9 years of historical coverage. It can be delivered on a daily basis.

Which countries does PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics cover?

This product includes data covering 2 countries like USA and Canada. PG is headquartered in United States of America.

How much does PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics cost?

Pricing information for PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics is available by getting in contact with PG. Connect with PG to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

How can I get PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics?

Businesses can buy Ecommerce Data from PG and get the data via S3 Bucket. Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, PG can deliver this product in .csv and .xls format.

What is the data quality of PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics?

You can compare and assess the data quality of PG using Datarade’s data marketplace.

What are similar products to PG Sales Data 105M Transactions, $742M montly volume Sales Data perfect for Spending Analytics?

This Tabular Data has 3 related products. These alternatives include PG Online Purchase Data US& Canada, $742M montly volume, 105M Transaction Online Purchase Data ideal for Purchase Behavior Analytics, data Weather-based demand forecast indices Ecommerce data Ecommerce sales data Advertising data, and Consumer Edge Vision EUR Retail & Ecommerce Sales Data Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK 6.7M Accounts, 5K Merchants, 600 Companies. You can compare the best Ecommerce Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Pricing available upon request