Best Data for Purchase Intelligence

Find the best data sources for Purchase Intelligence. Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
1B records
95% match rate
2 countries covered
Our CPG Data Feed delivers comprehensive, Low Latency insights into shopper purchasing patterns
250 countries covered
The costdata electronics database provides users with access to detailed technical specifications & pricing for a wide range of electronic components. Additi...
14K data records
250 countries covered
6 years of historical data
Our plastics commodity prices data provides an accurate & continuously updated foundation. Gain access to over 14,000 data records in the costdata® plastics ...
250 countries covered
Our raw material commodity prices data provides a comprehensive & continuously updated foundation. With information including prices for ferrous and non-ferr...
33K metal alloys
250 countries covered
6 years of historical data
Our metal pricing data provides a comprehensive & continuously updated foundation. With information on over 33,000 metal alloys, as well as current market pr...
15K individual items
135 countries covered
15 years of historical data
The Mintec database covers products across 18 different categories and all world regions. The food spectrum is fully covered along with areas such as packag... - Datasys profile banner
Based in USA
Datasys compiles one of the largest consumer and business data sets in the world. We use our expansive data and technology platforms to help companies more a...
large quantities
constantly updated & verified
250M +
Full consumer profiles - ScaleCampaign profile banner
Based in USA
You may believe custom software for your enterprise will be too complex and require resources you just can’t afford. Or, can you afford NOT to with our pe...
240M - Mintec Global profile banner
Mintec Global
Based in UK
For over 30 years Mintec has been the leading provider of raw material market prices and analysis covering more than 14,000 food ingredients and non-food raw...
Lower Cost
Reduce spend by 3%
Reduce time preparing
Lower Risk
Mitigate Competitive Risk - BatchService profile banner
Based in USA
Deepen the insights your platform or application offers by harnessing unparalleled property data and accurate owner contact information from a single API.
Right Party Contact Rate
Data Points
Efficiency Improvement - McGRAW profile banner
Based in USA
McGRAW is a premier data and lead provider specializing in B2B & B2C solutions that empower businesses to drive scalable growth. We offer custom built and ex...
15 Years
Industry Experience
273 MM
Consumer Records
140 MM
Business Records - costdata profile banner
Based in Germany
costdata provides precise solutions for product costing and cost optimization. With a unique database and software, we combine industry expertise with cuttin...
Metals with Pricing Data
Plastics with Pricing Data
Machines with Simulation