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Timeshare Real Estate Transaction Data | 15MM Records

Meticulously updated and managed, our Timeshare Owner data support your outreach efforts, allowing you ... Our database—among the most comprehensive in the industry—delivers quality data that saves you time and
Available for 1 countries
15M Timeshare Records
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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DoorDash Consumer Transaction Data | Restaurant & Food Delivery Transaction Data | Asia, Americas | Granular & Aggregate Data available

trends based on restaurant & food delivery transaction data. ... Measurable AI DoorDash Restaurant & Food Delivery Dataset is a leading source of email receipts and transaction
Available for 2 countries
6 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
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Consumer Behavior Data | Address Data | B2C Data | HomeOwner Data | Real Estate Transaction Data | USA

Applications: Real Estate Professionals: Access Residential Real Estate Data and Real Estate Transaction ... Data.
Available for 1 countries
150M records
1 days of historical data
98% Accuracy
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Transact Home & Garden Consumer Transaction Data | US Retail Sales Tickerized Data | 100M Credit & Debit Cards, 12K Merchants, 600 Tickers

Consumer Edge Home & Garde transaction data tracks consumer spend on credit and debit cards. ... CE Vision USA includes aggregated consumer transaction data on 100M+ credit and debit cards, including
Available for 1 countries
100M Credit & Debit Cards
9 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
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BatchService's Deed (History) Real Estate Transaction Data + Property Transaction Data, 15+ Data Points Available

BatchService’s Deed Dataset - Real Estate Transaction Data + Property Transaction Data Unlock a wealth ... BatchService’s Deed Dataset offers comprehensive real estate transaction data, including property transaction
Available for 1 countries
155M Properties Profiled
3 years of historical data
100% Fill Rate
Starts at
$0.01 / API Call
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TagX - Transactions data | Consumer Spending data | Bank Transaction data

by TagX
images, text, audio, videos, and information-rich data assets for their artificial intelligence or data ... GDPR compliant credit card/debit card transactions happening all over the world to create world-class data
Available for 2 countries
8M records
4 years of historical data
100% match rate
Starts at
$3,000$2,700 / purchase
10% Datarade discount

SKU-Level Transaction Data | Point-of-Sale (POS) Data | 1M+ Grocery, Restaurant, and Retail stores stores with SKU level transactions

by MealMe
Data Delivery and Integration MealMe offers flexible integration options, including APIs and custom data ... exports, for seamless access to real-time data.
Available for 250 countries
20M Restaurant Menu items
5 years of historical data
100% Accurate Product Prices
Pricing available upon request
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Consumer Behaviour Data | Consumer Transaction Data | Global | 600+ Customers

Transaction Data. ... and Consumer Transaction Data.
Available for 241 countries
1.13M H3 Hexbins @ Level 12 (19m)
5 years of historical data
85% 0.85 corr. with Walmart sales data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Envestnet | Yodlee's De-Identified Travel Transaction Data | Row/Aggregate Level | USA Consumer Data covering 3600+ corporations | 90M+ Accounts

U.S. consumer credit/debit/ACH transaction level data, offering a wide view of the U.S. consumer ecosystem ... time (T+1) USA credit/debit/ACH transaction level data – offering a wide view of the consumer activity
Available for 1 countries
3K + merchants
9 years of historical data
99% % high precision tagging, 600 tickers
Pricing available upon request
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Snapbizz FMCG Financial Data| POS Transaction Data

Unveil Insights into Consumer Spending: Snapbizz Financial Data POS Transaction ... Who can buy our Data?
Available for 1 countries
500M records
5 years of historical data
100% real time data
Pricing available upon request
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24 countries covered
High-definition SKU-level transaction data on a per transactional level for the e-commerce industry across emerging markets.
2M Users
2 countries covered
6 years of historical data
User Base: 2M total, 600K active daily open-banking users. Demographics: Age, income, gender, employment, home ownership. Coverage: 1,800+ merchants Effic...
4.8K employers
80% mapping to tickers
USA covered
Envestnet | Yodlee's Company Data Panel on more than 4800+ employers covering numerous sectors including Industrials, TMT, Materials, Autos, Airlines, Aerosp...
2M Users
2 countries covered
6 years of historical data
User Base: 2M total, 600K active daily open-banking users. Demographics: Age, income, gender, employment, home ownership. Coverage: 1,800+ merchants Effic...
100K records
Italy covered
4 years of historical data
You can blend and manipulate transaction customer data to create high-performance marketing campaigns, acquiring similar audiences in less time and spending ...
20M Restaurant Menu items
100% Accurate Product Prices
250 countries covered
MealMe provides grocery and retail SKU-level product data, including prices, from the top 100 retailers across the USA and Canada. Our real-time data empower...
150M Records
98% Accuracy
USA covered
Packed with a comprehensive blend of financial insights, our exclusive Consumer Database provides the essential data touchpoints to fuel impactful results an...
100K PDF statements
100% match rate
249 countries covered
Personal and Business bank statements from countries all over the world. Be it a savings account, checking account, or business account we offer statements o...
2 countries covered
6 years of historical data
DoorDash Restaurant & Food Delivery data provides accurate consumer insights and understanding of industry trends based on restaurant & food delivery transac...
38 Million
USA covered
10 years of historical data
Row-level detail data set from 38+ million debit and credit cards in the U.S. Transactions are updated daily with a 3-4 day lag and Transactions tagged to 1,...
249 countries covered
Credit Card Transaction Data 1. Customized Data: MCC Level 2. Syndicated Service: Standard Data Layout
2B Shipments
249 countries covered
14 years of historical data
Discover global import-export transactions of all countries 1. Find details of Shipper, Consignee, HS Code and more 2. Track Shipment Value, Quantity, Wei...
620 Brands
250 countries covered
4 years of historical data
Click is global web traffic data combined with transaction data to enhance signal capabilities. Click adds a layer to your analysis for richer spending behav...
250 Parent Companies
100% Connected Users' Walmart Accounts
USA covered
Basketview Signal CPG is aggregated CPG-tagged consumer purchase data that delivers the fastest daily data with 3-day lag, beating leading competitors by up ...
160 Milion MAID
100% MAID data
250 countries covered
Access consumer insight with AIKE's audience data. Target precisely starting from debit and credit cards transactions and adding MAID, interests, location, ...
20M Restaurant Menu items
100% Accurate Product Prices
250 countries covered
MealMe provides grocery and retail SKU-level product data, including prices, from the top 100 retailers across the USA and Canada. Our real-time data empower...
250 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Granular transactional email receipt data taken from TikTok shop in our proprietary consumer panel > 23 countries. Largest panels in emerging markets : Asia,...
250 countries covered
The costdata electronics database provides users with access to detailed technical specifications & pricing for a wide range of electronic components. Additi...

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