TAUS Language Translation Data | Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning product image in hero

TAUS Language Translation Data | Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning

5.0(1)Badge iconVerified Data Provider
English - German
English - Spanish
English - French
1 xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
2 xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx
3 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
4 Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
5 xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxx
6 Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
7 Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx
8 Xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx
9 xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
10 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
... xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Request Data Sample
Target words in total
Data Quality
Avail. Formats
.xml, .csv, and .xls

Data Dictionary

Product Attributes
Attribute Type Example Mapping
English - German
One of the common reasons for its damage is due to virus ...
English - Spanish
Every year on 7 April, we commemorate World Health Day. E...
English - French
This helps to keep the body healthy and energized. Ceci a...


These corpora are the result of a collective industry charity effort where participants contributed their own translation memories covering this domain so that together we were able to expand both the volume of good data and the language spread.
TAUS also generated corpora by applying Matching Data selection to DataCloud and ParaCrawl data. The query corpus used is crawled from the web for the latest Corona virus-related articles and news. The selected data is related to virology, epidemic, medicine, and healthcare. English>German English>Spanish English>French English>Italian English>Chinese English>Russian English>Portuguese (Brazil) English>Japanese English>Korean English>Portuguese English>Dutch English>Polish English>Swedish English>Danish English>Estonian English>Czech Other languages are available on demand.

Country Coverage

Asia (3)
Korea (Republic of)
Europe (13)
Czech Republic
Russian Federation
United Kingdom
North America (1)
United States of America
Oceania (1)
South America (1)


1 years of historical data


5.39 million Sentences in total
123 million Target words in total


Free sample available
License Starts at
One-off purchase
€5,000 / purchase
Monthly License Not available
Yearly License Not available
Usage-based Not available

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business


Self-reported by the provider



Use Cases

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Machine Learning (ML)
Machine Translation Engine Training


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Frequently asked questions

What is TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning?

These corpora are the result of a collective industry charity effort where participants contributed their own translation memories covering this domain so that together we were able to expand both the volume of good data and the language spread.

What is TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning used for?

This product has 3 key use cases. TAUS recommends using the data for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Machine Translation Engine Training. Global businesses and organizations buy AI Training Data from TAUS to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning?

This product is best suited if you’re a Enterprise looking for AI Training Data. Get in touch with TAUS to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning go?

This product has 1 years of historical coverage. It can be delivered on a on-demand basis.

Which countries does TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning cover?

This product includes data covering 19 countries like USA, China, Japan, Germany, and UK. TAUS is headquartered in Netherlands.

How much does TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning cost?

Pricing for TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning starts at EUR5,000 per purchase. Connect with TAUS to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

How can I get TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning?

Businesses can buy AI Training Data from TAUS and get the data via Email. Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, TAUS can deliver this product in .xml, .csv, .xls, and .txt format.

What is the data quality of TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning?

TAUS has reported that this product has the following quality and accuracy assurances: 100% words. You can compare and assess the data quality of TAUS using Datarade’s data marketplace. TAUS has received 1 review from clients.

What are similar products to TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning?

This product has 3 related products. These alternatives include Parallel Corpus Data 200 Million Pairs Machine Translation Data Natural Language Processing Data Translation Data, Machine Learning (ML) Data 800M+ B2B Profiles AI-Ready for Deep Learning (DL), NLP & LLM Training, and TAUS Language Translation Data Parallel translation for Colloquial English into various languages for Machine Learning. You can compare the best AI Training Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Starts at
€5,000 / purchase
License Starts at
One-off purchase
€5,000 / purchase
Monthly License Not available
Yearly License Not available
Usage-based Not available