Exchange Data International

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Get a complete overview of global dividend forecasts and schedules with our Woodseer Dividend Forecasting product.
2 countries covered
-Up-to-date fixed income data on instruments traded on global exchanges and OTC. - The fixed income reference data includes details of i...
94 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Foreign Ownership Limitations covers the limits on the amount a foreign firm or individual can invest in a business in another country th...
45 countries covered
32,500 recurring macro-economic indicators, such as GDP data and unemployment releases from 132 countries worldwide.
127 countries covered
Your financial information needs to deliver what you want. The task of maintaining and keeping up to date with the security reference dat...
USA covered
Unlike Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) FPOs are additional public offerings of shares via Secondary Public Offerings (SPO) or further pla...
USA covered
The Investment Fund industry is estimated to be worth around $100 trillion worldwide. This service aims to deliver a bespoke database of ...
249 countries covered
Accurate, Trusted and Up-to-Date Data on complex investment vehicles for your fund universe.
249 countries covered
The Corporate Actions Data covers all announcements for equities, ETF's, preferred shares, covered warrants, depository receipts, listed ...
240 countries covered
6 months of historical data
Receive up-to-date information on exchange traded futures and options. Use the derivatives reference data file to efficiently identify...
33 countries covered
Covering over 10 million options and futures contracts and 10,000 issuers. The Option Analytics Service uses daily updates and historical...
23 countries covered
Calculate share stakes, regulatory reporting levels with Shares Outstanding data
104 countries covered
Stay ahead of the game with IPO data.EDI monitor IPOs using local stock exchanges as the primary source of information, along with additi...
83 countries covered
Transform portfolio & investment strategies with bond analytics data. BondΣ is a new feed of solid fixed income derived data which allows...
32 countries covered
Efficiently manage and value your portfolio with equity-derived data. The WEA service covers equities traded in 144 global exchanges. Add...
100 countries covered