Brain Company

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Brain Machine Learning Stock Rankings are generated daily and based on the predicted future returns of a dynamic universe of the largest ...
1K stocks covered
15 countries covered
10 years of historical data
The dataset Brain Wikipedia Views has the objective to monitor the number of views and to measure the related attention on the Wikipedia ...
1K stocks
USA covered
7 years of historical data
Sentiment indicator on sectors based on NLP analysis of public financial news. The indicator monitors public financial news for 10000+ g...
20K records
USA covered
6 years of historical data
The Brain Sentiment Indicator monitors public financial news for more than 10000 global stocks from about 2000 financial media sources in...
10K stocks covered
240 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Brain Machine Learning Stock Rankings are generated daily and based on the predicted future returns of a dynamic universe of the largest ...
1K stocks covered
USA covered
10 years of historical data
The Brain Language Metrics (BLMCF) on Company Filings dataset monitors several language metrics on 10-Ks and 10-Qs company reports 6000 +...
6K stocks covered
USA covered
13 years of historical data
Algorithm-based selection among a large database of companies of a basket of stocks whose business is related to a specific theme (es. "n...
240 countries covered
Risk ON / Risk OFF signals based on VIX statistical indicators (Dynamic Volatility Signal) and including measures of financial stress ind...
USA covered
10 years of historical data
The Brain Language Metrics on Earnings Calls Transcripts (BLMECT) dataset has the objective of monitoring several language metrics the qu...
4.5K stocks covered
USA covered
10 years of historical data
Brain Sentiment Indicator [version Currencies, Cryptocurrencies and Commodities] monitors public financial news for 8 currencies, more th...
60 commodities
115 countries covered
3 years of historical data