Coresignal Competitors & Alternatives
Looking for the best Alternative Data provider for your business? Better play the field. Discover data-driven solutions for Alternative Investment, B2B Data Enrichment, and B2B Lead Generation. Find reviews for Coresignal left by Datarade users, and compare Coresignal’s data products and performance to the most popular competitors and alternatives. Success.ai, APISCRAPY, Grepsr, and Forager.ai are the top competitors and alternatives to Coresignal.
Top Competitors & Alternatives to Coresignal

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Frequently asked questions about Coresignal’s alternatives & competitors
What’s the competitive advantage of Coresignal?
Coresignal is the primary data source for investment management companies for tracking employee growth, company structure, new hires, and product & company reviews. As an alternative data provider, we are proud of the most frequent update rate of 695M+ records/month. That’s 710M+ employee and job records along with 106M+ firmographic data. Moreover, we discover 20M+ new records each month. The data is extracted from 20 sources. Among those, you will find the largest professional social network, Crunchbase, Glassdoor, Indeed, Owler, and more. Additionally, we support many data formats and delivery frequencies. You can also get an API delivery for a smaller-scale extraction. Finally, hundreds of companies across the globe choose us as their alternative data provider, because we care for our clients and always aim to build long-term relationships. Our average response time and rate, listed above, should only prove this.
What are the best alternatives to Coresignal?
Success.ai, APISCRAPY, Grepsr, Forager.ai, Webautomation, Xverum, Thomson Data, InfoTrie, TagX, and Factori