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Datlab Data Products: APIs & Datasets
Datlab Pricing & Cost
We are open to various ways of cooperation from one-time CSV dump to daily updates via API depending on your needs. Here is just a few indicative options
- 3000 EUR One country, one-time CSV/XLSX dump, all historical data, internal use, no resell
- 50.000 EUR 20 countries, one-time CSV/XLSX dump, all historical data, internal use, no resell
- 700 EUR one man-day of additional analytical works or data development
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About Datlab
Datlab in a Nutshell
Our journey started back in 2010 as a student and NGO project with a clear goal to finally use hard data and give government and municipalities real look into the effectiveness of their spendings. In 2012 Datlab was founded as a commercial subject. Since then we built up our reputation as a reliable partner that combines strong expertise in IT, analytics and economics.
We are a Czech company located in Prague but we grew up on projects with clients and partners all over the world. Even though we are a small company in people we have a strong voice which is often listen to by our government or in European Commission no matter whether we talk about public procurements or nowadays about sanction politics.
Country Coverage
Data Offering
As we don’t only collect data but also develop tools that uses the data or provide consultancy we are keen to have the data
- as precise as possible
- as deep as possible
- as complete as possible
To be able to say that someone did not publish all contracts with the supplier you have to be sure that you collected all the published contracts and that you have the prices right even though there were typos or corrections. And we are.
Use Cases
Do you want to expand your activities to another country? Our data can help you make a good decision on which market is developing the best for you.
Acquisitons & Investments
Are you seeking and opportunity to acquire a company? You need to know what are the companies on a market, how successful they are, how many clients they have or whether their incomes are raising.
Market research
Are you an in-house analyst in a big company? Is your responsibility to monitor how the market is developing, what are the new competitors or how are the old ones doing? You can have these answers.
Impact assessment
Should you assess how new law, policy or any regulations affect the market? You can compare historical data with the current one.
Data Sources & Collection
Our data comes from public sources as an European or national procurement journals. We don’t care whether it’s HTML, JSON API or XML bulk export. We
- collect source data
- parse the text values
- clean the proper data types (dates, numbers, booleans)
- match related records together
- integrate with other datasets like economy subjects register
- master related records into one object get the best possible final image of a real-life entity no matter it’s a company or public tender
Key Differentiators
We believe we have the most comprehensive EU-wide DB with the high quality data which was verified by top researchers and policy makers.
We don’t only collect data but we also understand the data as we have a strong public procurement expertise which was many time appreciated by important stakeholders like EU commission or EBRD. This expertise helps us correctly interpret, unify and integrate different data sources so that particular piece of information means the same in Spain, France or Romania.
Frequently asked questions about Datlab
What does Datlab do?
We have over 10 years of experience in collecting, processing and analysing public procurement and other data from all over the world which lead to a cooperation with partners like EBRD, University of Cambridge, European Commission and many others.
How much does Datlab cost?
Datlab’s APIs and datasets range in cost from €3,000 / purchase to €3,000 / purchase. Get talking to a member of the Datlab team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for Datlab’s data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does Datlab have?
Company Data, Economic Data, Public Sector Data, Share Market Data, and 4 others
What data does Datlab offer?
As we don’t only collect data but also develop tools that uses the data or provide consultancy we are keen to have the data as precise as possible as deep as possible as complete as possible To be able to say that someone did not publish all contracts with the supplier you have to be sure that you collected all the published contracts and that you have the prices right even though there were typos or corrections. And we are.
How does Datlab collect data?
Our data comes from public sources as an European or national procurement journals. We don’t care whether it’s HTML, JSON API or XML bulk export. We collect source data parse the text values clean the proper data types (dates, numbers, booleans) match related records together integrate with other datasets like economy subjects register master related records into one object get the best possible final image of a real-life entity no matter it’s a company or public tender
What are the best use cases for Datlab’s data?
Expansion Do you want to expand your activities to another country? Our data can help you make a good decision on which market is developing the best for you. Acquisitons & Investments Are you seeking and opportunity to acquire a company? You need to know what are the companies on a market, how successful they are, how many clients they have or whether their incomes are raising. Market research Are you an in-house analyst in a big company? Is your responsibility to monitor how the market is developing, what are the new competitors or how are the old ones doing? You can have these answers. Impact assessment Should you assess how new law, policy or any regulations affect the market? You can compare historical data with the current one.