Financial Modeling Prep

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We provide comprehensive Fundamental Data and Financial Statement API in JSON and CSV format. You can access Income Statement, Balance S...
50K Companies
6 countries covered
30 years of historical data
Financial statements API that provides access to a vast collection of historical financial statements for over 50,000+ companies listed o...
50K Companies
37 countries covered
30 years of historical data
Machine-readable earnings transcripts for over 7,000 stocks with 15+ years of data
7K companies
USA covered
15 years of historical data
This is an economic calendar that returns all of the world's major economic events and numbers. It has a significant impact on currency a...
350 monthly events
19 countries covered
10 years of historical data
ESG scores for publicly traded companies with our comprehensive tool. Evaluate environmental, social, and governance aspects individually...
7K companies
USA covered
5 years of historical data