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Environmental Data (GHG emissions, air pollution, water consumption, water and land pollution, and waste generation) for 14000+ companies...
1M Data Points Crawled
100% Traceability
249 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Impact valuation ESG data measuring and quantifying the impact of a company's activities on natural, human capital and financial capital,...
14K Listed Equities
100% Traceability
249 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Sustainability data that depicts the impacts of companies’ operations, products and services on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)....
14K Listed Equities
100% Traceability
249 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) ESG data from the 14000+ listed companies globally - covering developed, emerging and frontier markets. Covers Sc...
14K Listed Companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
The GIST Impact Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) data aims to provide insights into the current state of diversity and inclusion of 14...
14K Listed Companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Energy and resource ESG data from the 14000+ listed companies globally - covering developed, emerging and frontier markets. Covers tot...
14K Listed Companies
100% Traceability
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
GIST Impact’s Biodiversity Footprint ESG Data calculates the potential “species extinction risk” posed by a company’s direct operations o...
14K Listed Companies
249 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Biodiversity Proximity Risk Data covers asset and company proximity to biodiversity hotspots - both Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and Pro...
14K Listed Companies
240 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive governs the requirements for sustainability reporting in the EU. The report contains Company...
14K companies
240 countries covered
Data required for regulatory reporting, specifically European Union's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Principal Adverse ...
14K companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data